Release Notes

De ontwikkeling van Optima-CRM volgt een wekelijkse releasestrategie, waarbij elke maandag de succesvol geteste updates en nieuwe functies worden gemigreerd naar de productieve omgeving en vrijgegeven aan de gebruikersgemeenschap. De release-opmerkingen geven details over updates en zijn een eerste referentie om meer te weten te komen over nieuwe dingen, bugfixes en een index van bijgewerkte items die terug te voeren zijn op de daadwerkelijke ontwikkelingsobjecten. Het casenummer wordt bij elk element tussen haakjes vermeld.

Historiek van Optima-CRM release notes op meest recente datum (in het Engels):

1.3.44 (22-Jul-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • CRM upgrade issues (4027)
      • ZP-8615 missing short codes email templates (4105)
      • Booking source = Website: API booking creation (4107)
      • New filter Objects search for non-Projects properties for Sale (4103)
      • New PDF template (shared data) object (4099)

Bug Fixes:

      • Fix Traffic Light Colors for Imported Properties in Support-SV (4101)
      • CMS translations failing (4102)
      • Search all invoices from a company fails (4104)
      • CMS - Categories - ADD fails (4110)
      • Export to portals menu console errors (4106)
      • Accounts Alerts for Object - nightly email cron (4109)

1.3.43 (08-Jul-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • New Scraping of email Lead portal cocampo (4092)
      • CMS - restoring deleted items for Support- user (4030)
      • Idealista Lodging/Hotel type (4097)
      • Idealista - naming of images (3645)
      • Duplicate LP CMS from ERA to LHI (4098)

Bug Fixes:

      • Missing fields in Accounts export & import CSV (4092)
      • CSV import of location not updating the count to generate the latest key for location (4089)
      • Take rental price into account for PRICE check traffic lights (4100)

1.3.42 (01-Jul-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Rightmove: update mapping for Hotel (4091)
      • Export Optima-CRM JSON format by statuses (4093)

Bug Fixes:

      • Polish ISO code wrong preventing Google Translations to POL (4087)
      • Security Deposit Not Auto-Populated in CRM for API Based Bookings (4084)
      • Import issue - no directory for images created (RE-8597) (4083)
      • Type 1 = 92 in ES (4086)
      • Todospisos portal ZP-8601 (4085)
      • Delete Archived Objects fails (4088)

1.3.41 (24-Jun-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • Import issue - no directory for images created (RE-8597) (4083)
      • Todospisos portal ZP-8601 (4085)
      • Remove duplicate Contracts tab in Rental Booking (4047)

1.3.40 (20-Jun-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Accounts Advanced Search - 2 minor updates - CV-8578 (4076)

Bug Fixes:

      • Email attachment not included/not working from CRM - CV-8588 (4075)
      • Account Secondary Mobile phone error and on DEV3 ternary operator error (4079)
      • Request Daxit (4078)
      • Pure Ibiza Kyero export error (4080)
      • Sin Visitas - API import properties (4077)
      • Failing exports (4067)
      • Drag & drop short code in contract template fails (4072)

1.3.39 (10-Jun-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • JV import - all properties unavailable (4068)
      • ALL relevant properties not showing ALL (4071)
      • Fotocasa - withdrawn properties still live (4069)
      • Document types always in EN instead of user language (4070)
      • Profile filter lost in selection by clicing Own / Not Own (4073)
      • Accounts search issues (4074)
      • Export/Import issues JV to NS (3944)

1.3.38 (3-Jun-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Search form follow up on #4041 (4058)

Bug Fixes:

      • Object Type Estate: features not shown - ZP-8559 (4062)
      • Generate contract PDF fails (4064)
      • LT rent profile vs object mapping - relevant properties (4063)
      • Map selection in Object search disappears (4065)
      • Upload image to Support-ticket fails & images of property ref. 545472 have disappeared - JV-8564 (4066)
      • Incoming MLS - MLS settings for web (4048)
      • MLS & Red SP inconsistencies (4012)

1.3.37 (27-May-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Indomnio email scraping to account (SSL-8529) (4049)
      • Objects search form updates (4041)
      • Export format for Mers and Demeurs: use Kyero (4059)

Bug Fixes:

      • Navigating Objects list must go to TOP of page (4057)
      • Export/Import issues JV to NS (3944)
      • Address Special Characters and Validation Errors in Kyero (4060)
      • Object Type Estate: features not shown - ZP-8559 (4062)
      • Upload image in Company - agency tab fails (4044)
      • Duplicated phone validation loop (4061)

1.3.36 (20-May-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • (JV-8478) Import issues (4050)
      • Check Object search filters (e.g. Built size from/to) + others (4056)
      • Add to portals from Objects not adding to basket (4054)
      • Features - quantity of kitchen visibility (4055)
      • Fotocasa export & active property count baskets (ZP-8528) (4053)

1.3.35 (13-May-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Common extras - language maintenance (4046)

Bug Fixes:

      • General search in Objects-only agency opened Residential details (JV-8521) (4039)
      • (SSL-8522) XML FEED ERRORS WITH IMAGES (4042)
      • Objects search Bookmarks (4035)
      • Sun Sea Life-agency issues (4029)
      • Offers page: Create from & Create to keys failing to translate (4043)
      • Offer: hide Object/Residential (4045)
      • Red SP XML imports - deduplication properties & Townhouse mapping residential imports (4036)
      • ZP-7687 Tour dashboard doesn't have a 'completed' option (4040)
      • API for private area: filter issues (4051)
      • Object not showing in Edit Viewing (4052)
      • Account not creating using with different mobile number (4037)

1.3.34 (06-May-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • ChatGPT integration (3979)
      • Add new currency IDR + ID language (4031)
      • Notifications in Objects Module (3687)

Bug Fixes:

      • Hide selector Residential/Objects in SALES for Objects module users (4028)
      • Invoice lock fails - console errors (4033)
      • Objects not loading in lease contract (4032)
      • Cadastral number validation error (4038)

1.3.33 (29-April-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • Sources selected corrupted after search (4026)
      • Invoice download to AWS Support-VG hangs (4024)
      • Red SP - title assembly not correct (3983)

1.3.32 (22-April-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Add PDF export to existing Accounts report - Pure Ibiza 8457 (4006)
      • Add identifier to Fotocasa API export (3930)
      • Upload images fails in objects (4019)

Bug Fixes:

      • Export Companies: no export file generated (4018)
      • PDF download from mobile - CRM 8454 (4013)
      • Red SP - title assembly not correct (3983)
      • Idealista mapping still wrong for Villa (150) & Detached Villa (204) (4021)
      • JV - objects with Offices & cannot save (4022)
      • LO-8485 Import CSV doesn't update the contact's data (4020)

1.3.31 (15-April-2024)

Because of the Eid holidays, this release only had two working days, resulting in the closure of only one ticket.

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Add search filter in Archived Accounts (4017)

1.3.30 (08-April-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • API update (Bhavik's request) for Zariko update (4015)
      • Add to Exporter Optima-CRM JSON export format (3886)

Bug Fixes:

      • Relevant properties interested-rejected (4014)
      • Idealista exports ZP-8393 and ZP-8392 (3957)
      • Offers and sales for Moorings and Boats (3971))
      • Object - city 'Petang' (Bali) (4016)

1.3.29 (01-April-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Red SP Kyero import mapping (4000)
      • Le Figaro - add Source 'figaro' to incoming leads (4003)
      • Adding logs for web API (4009)

Bug Fixes:

      • Export Companies Timeline 404 error (4007)
      • Export Accounts memory issue - optimise API (4008)
      • Exporter property count from MLS incoming properties + Kyero Extended format updates (4005)
      • CRON channel reported issue (4010)
      • Optima channel reported issue (4011)

1.3.28 (25-Mar-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • Owners board - error after CSV import from JV to NS (3986)
      • Casafari API calls (3995)
      • CMS Cron Copy Issue and Loading Hang-Up on CMS Setting Page (3998)
      • Images not saving from user profile (3996)
      • PDF downloads images not loading (4002)
      • Idealista ref scraping (4001)
      • Sequences issues - cron & dates (3999)

1.3.27 (18-Mar-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • New portal email scraping - HousingAnywhere (3910)
      • 'Pool' missing in Commercial accounts profile - ZP-8425 (3990)
      • Add Object price change to Timeline (CV-8320) (3901)
      • Recommended sort API HHI-8430 (3988)

Bug Fixes:

      • Message queue - whitelisting + CRM access (3993)
      • LAT/LONG map coordinates in VIEW object wrong - CV-8401 (3967)
      • Kyero - Idealista VIDEO nodes - CV-8365 (3933)
      • Project & Object created from Project (3946)
      • Fotocasa double entries sent through API (3997)
      • Idealista exports ZP-8393 and ZP-8392 (3957)

1.3.26 (11-Mar-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • Leads from Thinkspain are not scraped to Account (ZP-8414) (3977)
      • Image not displaying in PDF download via API - IE-8405 (3981)
      • Kyero email enquiries not creating Accounts (3982)
      • ZP-8416 Issues creating tasks from calendar (3980)
      • Tags on custom PDF JV appear in EN + ES - JV-8415 (3978)
      • Booking details disappear from calendar view ZP-8370 (3984)
      • Facebook scraping update (add nodes) (3961)
      • Set properties as 'featured' (3949)
      • Pure Ibiza - Featured properties issue (-8371) (3945)
      • Default view (accounts/owners/properties) (3989)
      • Reports: Manager Role in Master Office to access offices - LO-8419 (3987)
      • Reactivate Kyero (ES) Format in the exporter (3991)
      • Idealista json format issue (3992)
      • Owners 'properties' & 'objects' must be shown according to Modules settings (3985)
      • ZP-7535 Add automatic title and data to emails (3909)

1.3.25 (04-Mar-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Facebook scraping update (add nodes) (3961)
      • Objects not yet active in Urbanisations module - CV-8375 (3948)
      • Urbanisations Residential data to Objects (3976)

Bug Fixes:

      • Objects - Accounts issue (3965)
      • Kyero Import for Gestalihome - GH (3962)
      • Meeting dates jump 7 days - ZP-8408 (3972)
      • RedSP XML import failing (3973
      • Board titles not storing (3968)
      • LAT/LONG map coordinates in VIEW object wrong - CV-8401 (3967)
      • Hide irrelevant tabs per module (3969)
      • Idealista leads no longer being created - JV-8409 (3974)
      • Default sort order Outgoing Invoices (3890)
      • Objects - Accounts and Exporting issues (3970)
      • Visits PDF not yet linked in Accounts board (3975)
      • Export/Import issues JV to NS (3944)

1.3.24 (26-Feb-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • Object VIEW: address not showing (3958)
      • Memory error edit CRM user in Europrestige (3953)
      • Bulk update accounts in error (3960)
      • Le Figaro export issues (3937)
      • Download PDF API error (3947)
      • Sales properties appear in Rental calendar (3963)
      • Idealista exports ZP-8393 and ZP-8392 (3957)
      • JV Kyero import VAPF issues (3943)
      • Kyero export from Objects issue with type_one node (3964)
      • Create meeting start time skips to end time + viewing time validation issue removing 1 viewing in array (3966)
      • Kyero Import for Gestalihome - GH (3962)
      • Kyero - Idealista VIDEO nodes - CV-8365 (3933)

1.3.23 (19-Feb-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • CRM ticket list updates (3902)
      • Short term rental 'per year' (3938)
      • API: check CITIES that have at least 1 available object set for web (3952)
      • Idealista portal notification (3959)

Bug Fixes:

      • Kyero - Idealista VIDEO nodes - CV-8365 (3933)
      • Database optimization (3931)
      • Emailing PDF from fails (3923)
      • MLS properties not showing between agencies with identical parameters (3934)
      • Project & Object created from Project (3946)
      • Muehl WC PDF layout (Objects) (3939)
      • Casafari property updates must update CRM properties (3951)
      • Date / time validation error (3955)
      • Video link activation switches not saving to DB (3952)

1.3.22 (12-Feb-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • JV-7893 Owners distribution list issues (3911)
      • Unhide 2 menu items for incoming MLS properties (3941)

Bug Fixes:

      • Error adding notes to timeline CBW-8368 (3935)
      • CBRAI conditional imports (3928)
      • WC (objects) not getting values via short codes in HV agency (3940)
      • Regarding ZP-7660 Rental and cleaning booking issues (3925)
      • Bulk update CRON add to MLS not working (3942)
      • MLS properties not showing between agencies with identical parameters (3934)
      • IC-7629 Copy video info to all languages (3908)

1.3.21 (05-Feb-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • IC-7629 Copy video info to all languages (3908)
      • ZP-7652 Creation meeting: propose end time to be start time +1h (3913)

Bug Fixes:

      • Owners issues (3897)
      • IE Idealista export issues (3920)
      • CV-8330 - show cadastral info in Plot (type 1 = 147) (3916)
      • Missing logo in PDF template 379 (3924)
      • Location group API sending no response (3926)
      • Console errors (3903)
      • Default sort order Outgoing Invoices (3890)
      • Scheduled daily recurring not creating on 1st recurring day (3876)
      • Casafari API longitude/latitude (3927)
      • Casafari API import invalid location mapping (3936)
      • IC location groups corrupted - IC-8356 (3929)
      • Add mapping Commercial Space (Objects) to Idealista API - ZP-8361 (3932)
      • RO cron (ASBO) not importing properties from 24/1 (3922)

1.3.20 (29-Jan-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • JV-7978 Update logo in static custom card (3912)

Bug Fixes:

      • API Issue with Page-by-Slug Response (Language Compatibility (3905)
      • API Issue - Office filter not working for properties (3914)
      • United Real Estate import xml (residential) ZP-8261 (3921)
      • API update (see Bhavik on Slack 18/1) (3900)

Hot Fixes:

      • RO new construction API update - ASBO-8246 (3855)
      • MLS default 'show on web' not working (3887)
      • Object PDF export HHI - blank PDF (HHI-8327) (3904)
      • CV-8335 - ERROR Operator 'IN' requires two operands (3907)
      • Export to Idealista - CV-8315 (3899)
      • CBRAI import (IC): residential logic not applied in Objects (3898)
      • Objects-only module: remove Residential button (3915)
      • Email PDF from Object not possible - console errors (3918)
      • 0 relevant properties when 7200+ should be shown (3919)
      • ZP-7660 Rental and cleaning booking issues (3917)

1.3.19 (22-Jan-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Rental payments are not displayed (HHI) + RENTALS updates (3835)

Bug Fixes:

      • RO Property Appears on HHI Website Despite Not Being in the Agency (3896)
      • Facebook Market Place property export (3895)
      • JV-8231 - Idealista scraping went wrong (3857)

Hot Fixes:

      • Office authorzation and logo/contact info (2981)
      • Location group - cities field update (3888)
      • ZP-8302 - Owner Timeline still on Residential (3893)
      • API for IM user returns no result (3894)
      • Pagination Objects fails with search filter (3885)
      • CALCULATE booking price ZP-8297 (3889)
      • IE-8291 - overlapping booking dates issue (3882)

1.3.18 (15-Jan-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • Country changes from spain to USA every night (3877)
      • API Encounters Trouble Fetching Virtual Tour Properties (3880)
      • Translation issue 'Add Offer' (3883)

Hot Fixes:

      • Discount/surcharge in booking wrong calculation ZP-8276 (3875)
      • HHI (8285) - update own manually created object: duplication (3879)
      • Console error at login support-cll2 (3881)
      • IE-8291 - overlapping booking dates issue (3882)
      • Heat map fails for website data using Objects (3884)
      • CALCULATE booking price ZP-8297 (3889)
      • Open URL (JV) in all languages: only works in EN (3891)
      • Kyero GEO feed issues (ZP-8305) (3892)

1.3.17 (08-Jan-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Viewing sheet: PDF template with short codes (1742)
      • Update API documentation (3596)
      • Search by (part of) rental license number ZP-8280 (3878)
      • Updation in Kyero Import for Objects (3873)
      • Outgoing invoices updates (3646)

Bug Fixes:

      • RO feed filter display conditions (3870)
      • Idealista email scraping JV-8197 (3804)
      • Search accounts with/without accents (3673)
      • Red SP sharing count for General Feeds (zone 1 and 2) (3756)
      • Import cron breaks (Apollons) (3710)
      • Reporting -> can´t search by property reference (3838)

Hot Fixes:

      • Booking disappeared from calendar when updated (ZP-8276) (3874)
      • Invoicing dates miss with recurring invoices (3872)
      • Profile update not saving in IE (3828)

1.3.16 (01-Jan-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Agency-Driven RO Property Visibility Control (3836)
      • Conditions to display 'Available for' (3697)

Bug Fixes:

      • Emailing issues (CV-8195) (3821)
      • Royal Estates Import fail (3868)
      • Contact info attached to Companies be exported (3867)

Hot Fixes:

      • Exporter issues after sync baskets (3866)
      • Type 1 Office: LT rentals option hidden (3865)
      • ST rental price fails to show in Objects list & expansion (3869)
      • Download companies again not working (3863)
      • CV account to be restored & reimported (3864)
      • Remove all properties from a basket (3858)
      • Account's xls exports not working for non-residential profile fields (3856)

1.3.15 (26-Dec-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Show field 'Built' for type 1 = plot (147) (3859)

Bug Fixes:

      • Lead email Idealista no longer in Timeline (3818)
      • Type one mismatch in Red SP for Zariko (3852)

Hot Fixes:

      • Sync Baskets content from Residential to Commercial (3841)
      • RO 'la cala' mapped incorrectly - ASBO-8224 (3842)
      • FB lead not scraped into CRM lead for Loemas (LO-8227) (3843)
      • ADVANCED SEARCH on budget always 0 results (3847)
      • Relevant object shows wrong properties (type 1) (3850)
      • FB email scraping - add filed for offices (optional parameter) (3851)
      • ZP-8179 - WC in 3 languages (3862)
      • Type 1 Office: LT rentals option hidden (3865)
      • Kyero feed error IC-8252 (3860)
      • Static WC to be working and available in Objects (3853)
      • IE cannot save property (3861)
      • Blocked bookings not on calendar and available in API (3849)
      • Idealista Property Type mismatch (3784)
      • Location group (3839)
      • No linked content under the icon Interested (CV-8236) (3846)
      • Email Account assigned to user is not working (3760)
      • Next contact date disappeared in Commercial Profile accounts CV-8237 (3848)

1.3.14 (18-Dec-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • IC - Residential-objects discrepancies (3620)
      • Setup centralized Redis cache (3808)

Hot Fixes:

      • Update the categories in Properties API (3830)
      • API update for Cities (Bhavik´s request) (3831)
      • Window Card (static) 33 - price is not displayed (3837)
      • Le Figaro export - check & update (IC) (3827)
      • Sync Baskets content from Residential to Commercial (3841)
      • Royal Estates xml Import issue (RE-8204) (3822)
      • Residential feed Europrestige Kyero format in error (3844)
      • Tasks are not displayed on the Dasboard (HHI) (3840)
      • Search is not working correctly ZP-8226 (3845)
      • Objects overwritten with residential data (3813)
      • Accounts Timeline is empty (3833)

1.3.13 (11-Dec-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • Lead email Idealista no longer in Timeline (3818)
      • duplicate "Cleaning" tab in CRM rental Property (3824)

Hot Fixes:

      • WC(Static) not showing Price (IE-8196) (3801)
      • web enquiry doesn´t save interested property in CRM (3826)
      • WC (static 36) issues (ZP-8179) (3787)
      • iCal creates identical bookings on one property IE (3823)
      • ZP-8206 - deleting the XML imported Red SP properties in ZP (3825)
      • Countries switch on/off issue (3811)
      • ZP-8191 - Zariko Residential cron is still overwriting Objects (3805)

1.3.12 (04-Dec-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • API returns location if there is any property exists on that location for Objects (3816)

Bug Fixes:

      • Problems with URLs in Objects API causing incorrect links in Ad Agency (3814)

Hot Fixes:

      • IE- CRM user residential Module is on (3820)
      • Casafari Images issue (3819)
      • IE rental properties not in Booking Calendar (IE-8205) (3817)
      • IE 'Open URL' not showing in Objects (3815)
      • Viewing tour: doesn´t show account´s names (3812)
      • Switch on/off property types is missing (MIM) (3809)

1.3.11 (28-Nov-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Climate control field (3807)
      • Agent user role - should not see owner info (3780)

Bug Fixes:

      • Find All API does not return all properties Latitude and Longitude in Objects (3806)

Hot Fixes:

      • Account profile - following 3788 (3792)
      • MLS shared properties must not b editable by a receiving agency in any view (3803)
      • Countries switch on/off issue (3811)
      • Console errors at login MY (3798)
      • WC(Static) not showing Price (IE-8196) (3801)
      • API update map drawing (for Daxit) (3796)
      • Mass update Owners is hanging (3782)
      • Object default sort order non-CRM reference (3794)
      • XJV Kyero cron failed (3802)

1.3.10 (20-Nov-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Booking source missing (3rd party commission %) (3749)

Bug Fixes:

      • Export/import contacts from Company (3785)
      • Error in Updating Account Created via Booking API (3783)
      • RO images broken sometimes during import (3791)
      • Agency error message (3739)
      • PDF template 34 issue while downloading through API (3799)

Hot Fixes:

      • Comm WC 36 (specific for Zariko) - ZP-8063 (3733)
      • WC (static 36) issues (ZP-8179) (3787)
      • Problems with calendars (JV-8181) (3789)
      • AD-8183 - property 567863 saving bedrooms/bathrooms fails (3790)
      • Incorrect Lead/Account Generated by Ad Agency (3793)
      • Bars/restuarant / Retail / ...? no features shown (3800)

1.3.9 (13-Nov-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • Work orders Invalid Time/Date (ZP-8173) (3781)
      • Print/Email object issue (3772)
      • Resales Online API cron missing images to create a Slack CRON channel msg upon failing (3770)
      • No sync residential-commercial (3754)
      • Wrong source for James Edition scraped emails (original: #1455) (3774)
      • Copy Audit of all Residential to Object (3786)

Hot Fixes:

      • At creation of booking via API price is wrong (ZP-8170) (3778)
      • Tasks are not displayed Account´s timeline (3752)
      • Print/email object scrum board issue (AD-8158) (3777)
      • DE portal Immowelt specs (3173)
      • CSV export issue (CBW-8167) (3773)
      • New Activities are not showing in Calendar (3779)
      • Mailing issue (ZP-8165) (3771)
      • JV - Private info tab Residential (3776)
      • Account prfile -> some Features values are missing (3775)
      • ZP-Booking Status Issue (following 3675) (3737)

1.3.8 (06-Nov-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • Owner in Commercial (Objects) are not saved from API (3766)
      • Issue when select object location on the map (3744)

Hot Fixes:

      • (HHI) Email template is not in the list to select (3764)
      • API viewing tour - 1 update required (3765)
      • API issue for IE private area Objects (3748)
      • Update API E-197 related) (3767)
      • Objects list sorting on non-CRM reference (3769)
      • Bookings: follow-up points (3723)
      • Follow up 3760 - Object grid filters fail (3768)

1.3.7 (30-Oct-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • No sync residential-commercial (3754)

Bug Fixes:

      • Object GEO data completeness check wrong (3753)
      • New account creation: office is not saving (3755)
      • PDF template issue HHI (3759)
      • Contract template error (3762)
      • Deleted properties not to show in Interested Properties (3742)

Hot Fixes:

      • Casafari - missing images / duplicates / set to show on NONE (3741)
      • Ibiza Estates Residential to Objects WC's (static) ; #34 en #35 (3761)
      • Objects not in Objects grid (3763)
      • Again emailing relevant property not working (3751)
      • Features & other info disappearing in Objects (3577)
      • Idealista lead without property of interest & email on TL (3757)

1.3.6 (23-Oct-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • SIN VISITAS - Integrate SendGrid API in CRM for Contacts Export (3598)

Bug Fixes:

      • RO cron errors (3743)
      • Filtering by date and price excludes image attachments, while no filters include them (3736)
      • Czech system language translator not working (3745)

Hot Fixes:

      • Console error in Comm list (Zariko) (3734)
      • ZP-8112 - ical URL yii dump (3746)
      • Security deposit missing in Contract template (ZP-8135) (3738)
      • Comm WC 36 (specific for Zariko) - ZP-8063 (3733)
      • CV objects keep being synced with Residential (3750)
      • Booking prices (Daxit) (3747)
      • Idealista leads import issues (IE-8134) (3740)
      • Issue importing Contact CSV (LBV-8133) (3735)
      • Randomly features shown/not shown (3728)

1.3.5 (16-Oct-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • Resales Online agencies: Type 1 Objects dropdown (3705)
      • Link between Contacts & CRM user (3688)
      • Update in Bookings sub-statuses (ZP-8083)(ZP-8129) (3675)

Hot Fixes:

      • API time out (Bhavik) (3727)
      • Add Basket tab for Type1 = Plot (3729)
      • Support-AD - no URL's to objects (3730)
      • Deleting images or Objects must delete all images from images01 (3726)
      • Privadia import failing for IE (API) - IE-8126 (3731)
      • SIN VISTAS - updates to Message Queue (3629)
      • Manual access of MQ (Follow on of #3629) (3732)
      • Objects-related issues (3724)
      • CASAFARI API - import properties (3699)

1.3.4 (09-Oct-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • SIN VISTAS - updates to Message Queue (#3629)

Bug Fixes:

      • Housing Anywhere Export issue of Undefined index (3720)
      • Daxit request API update (3718)

Hot Fixes:

      • RED SP MLS to LPG: available for web (3721)
      • Add email to CRM user (Optima-hosted) fails (3712)
      • Archived bookings are visible in calendar (ZP-8121) (3722)
      • ZP-8116 - booking price calculation issues objects (3716)
      • Idealista 'lift' mapping error - ZP-8093 (3683)
      • Type 2 deleted yet still showing in Overview/List page (AD-8117) (3719)
      • Owner not on Object (ZP-8099) (3717)
      • CASAFARI API - import properties (3699)
      • API update for Bhavik 9.10 (3725)

1.3.3 (2-Oct-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Link between Contacts & CRM user (3688)
      • Allow objects search by Address (ZP-8078) (3679)

Bug Fixes:

      • An Issue in listing agency data in properties API (3714)
      • CBRAI import failed (3704)

Hot Fixes:

          • Le Figaro XML Residential = empty (IC) (3713)
          • ical URL empty for Objects (see ZP-8112) (3711)
          • Project or Resale condition (3709)
          • Object result list sorting resets parameters (3700)
          • Baerz (portal enquiries) account import/creation (3649)
          • Sentry issues Node JS (3658)
          • Objects list breaks in Projects list expansion (3707)
          • Update Resales Online Villa --> House / Detached house (3698)
          • Language CZ for content (system) adding fails (3715)

1.3.2 (25-Sep-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

          • Commercial list Lightbox - resized images (3674)
          • SIN VISITAS - Enable export objects to Housing Anywhere portal (3624)
          • CBRAI: CRM to CBRAI Export (3701)

Bug Fixes:

          • API (commercial_type) optimization (3702)
          • Commercial_types api updation (3692)
          • Contract template not finding the owner details (ZP-8099) (3695)

Hot Fixes:

          • RO property type mappings incorrect - ASB-8079 (3689)
          • Resales Online status changes not reflected in CRM (3659)
          • API rentals (Daxit) (3682)
          • RED SP - no images (3693)
          • Viewing tour document "Download" not working (3696)

1.3.1 (19-Sep-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

          • Update Owner field in Viewings (3672)

Bug Fixes:

          • Dasboard (My Schedule) date range filter doesn´t work (3671)
          • Contract template not finding the owner details (ZP-8099) (3695)

Hot Fixes:

          • Location groups updates not in Search updated (3686)
          • Agent Light: All properties (objects) authentication issue (3690)
          • Objects Grid Boards Issue (3684)
          • Deletion logs are all blank (3685)
          • Mix-up residential-commercial images links in WC's (3677)
          • Features & other info disappearing in Objects (3577
          • Casafari import & object copies (3622)
          • Some to all RO images broken (3678)
          • Residential to Comm: apartment numbers not synced (3676)
          • Owner Contact info not displayed in Object View (3681)
          • No MAP shown in VIEW (Residential) (3680)
          • Accounts Grid Board issue (3661)
          • Static WC for Residential (Jetvillas) needs to be converted to Objects (copied & updated) (3669)
          • Wrong traffic light check (3691)
          • RO cron failure (3694)

1.2.52 (11-Sep-2023)

New Features:

          • CMS general settings (Sin Visitas) hanging (3662)

Bug Fixes:

          • Update API for unpublished (draft) blog posts (3668)
          • Rental period price doesn´t save more than 1 discount (ZP-8066) (3665)
          • Dropdown values in Company type must be alphabetical (JV-7995) (3664)
          • API update Daxit: @Daxit Zadafiya in location group, the issue is on creating the new account not on a update the account moreover ask to create the ticket in GitLab (3666)

Hot Fixes:

          • Resales Online status changes not reflected in CRM (3659)
          • Residential static WC 36: copy to Objects & update fields to commercial equivalents (3663)
          • Private info of residential not synced to Objects (ZP-8069) (3667)
          • Booking calendar Objects - migration from Residential (3654)
          • Baerz (portal enquiries) account import/creation (3649)
          • Auction docs from Shared (common data) to be in ALL agencies (3660)

1.2.51 (04-Sep-2023)

New Features:

          • SIN VISITAS - Enable export objects to Spot A Home portal (3623)
          • Idealista lead email format change (3652)

Bug Fixes:

          • current month season not available then property at the bottom when filtering for rental prices from high to low" as per discussion @Daxit Zadafiya (3643)
          • Booking API fails discounts (3657)
          • Incoming scraped email enquiry missing on Timeline in case of James Edition (JV-8047) (3625)
          • Failing to add object to an owner (ZP-8059) (3655)

Hot Fixes:

          • Zariko2 enquiry interested property incorrect property link in CRM (3644)
          • Status to re-activate de-activated user (3642)
          • Error when editing and saving an object(ZP-8058) (3656)
          • Objects wrong calculation rental P-8055) (3653)
          • Accounts Advanced Search shows no results (3639)
          • Object not found with external ref in Account Interested properties (CV) (3651)
          • Projects expansion Object references (3650)

1.2.50 (28-Aug-2023)

Bug Fixes:

          • Object 502 errors at saving (3615)

Hot Fixes:

          • Booking extras and Booking cleaning from booking API getting null (3631)
          • API issue with storing right mail ID (3630)
          • API update request from Bhavik (3633)
          • Wrong owner sub-statuses in owner boards (3636)
          • API update to Inactivate user for Bhavik (3638)
          • Objects do not show relevant accounts (3640)
          • Grid view setting owners fails (3637)
          • Failing to edit CRM User Status (3641)
          • Object SAVE buttons disabled (3647)
          • CRM notification emails (3634)
          • Problem with the "tasks" function (ASBO-8050) (3632)
          • Deleted Owner is not in Archived (3635)

1.2.49 (21-Aug-2023)

Bug Fixes:

          • Missing fields in the accounts advance search (3626)
          • Thousands & decimal separators inconsistency (3621)

Hot Fixes:

          • PDF issues (model 8 - objects) - Pure Ibiza (3616)
          • Send object by email issues CV (3617)
          • API update Holiday Rentals - ENQUIRY (3590)
          • Unselecting featured star --> traffic light red (3614
          • DE portal Immowelt specs (3173)
          • Email property to multiple clients CV (3628)
          • Transaction types & price from-to (3627)
          • Calendar - tasks not showing in Assigned users calendar - JV-8043 (3618)
          • Smart Invest Account Profile Upates (3613)
          • Commission data partially missing in VIEW (see related 3605) (3611)

1.2.48 (10-Aug-2023)

New Features:

          • SIN VISITAS - API update for Document type and Document number for Owners Creation Web form (3593)
          • Short codes for new fields related to Smart Invest updates (3587)
          • Window Card format update (HHI) (3604)

Bug Fixes:

          • Properties API(v3) filter issue (3609)

Hot Fixes:

          • PDF for website (3610)
          • Filter on Available for 'None' Objects fails (3612)
          • Smart Invest updates (3608)
          • Project License Types table not saving entries (3607)
          • Map button to select location is missing in Account Profile (3606)
          • Copy from other basket (objects) not working (3594)

1.2.47 (07-Aug-2023)

New Features:

          • SIN VISITAS - API update for Document Type and Document number for Accounts Creation Web Form (3592)
          • New PDF format for Objects in CRM (3581)
          • Account Profile Updates (Other Type 1) (3586)
          • Smart Invest - Account Profile updates (3582)

Bug Fixes:

          • Auctions: creation & upload additional documents fails (3602)

Hot Fixes:

          • Fotocasa: sold & unselected property not set as inactive on Fotocasa (3597)
          • Custom categories do not work (HHI) (3601)
          • Owner not assigned to an object (HHI) (3600)
          • Unable to select locations in Account profile (HHI) (3603)
          • Map display issue in newly entered Google Address (3605)
          • Error in HHI (CMS) (3599)

1.2.46 (31-Jul-2023)

New Features:

          • New XML export format Inmoweb (Objects) (3580)
          • Smart Invest - property & profile updates (3566)
          • SI - All feedback (3585)

Bug Fixes:

          • Many xml for Commercial exporter return 404 (3595)
          • Updates Smart Invest - Objects (3591)
          • SI - Object types error (3589)

Hot Fixes:

          • Legal status other agency visible in Object (3584)
          • New Object incorrect allocation references in expansion (3588)
          • Enable Project switch for property type Plot (3583)

1.2.45 (24-Jul-2023)

New Features:

          • Add energy certificate in new developments (2757)

Bug Fixes:

          • Zp-7823 Calendar popup fail (3253)
          • Duplicated image upload in Objects (3571)
          • CRM tickets no longer sending email (3395)

Hot Fixes:

          • Short code from Email template not populating (3578)
          • Kyero export - pool incorrectly set = 1 (3576)
          • emails not adding to Accounts/Owners (3285)
          • Features & other info disappearing in Objects (3577)
          • Facebook email - lead not created for AD agency (3574)
          • When downloading Viewing Sheet property reference and address are missing (JV) (3579)
          • Idealista - no images sent for CV 2135 (3575)
          • Resales Online images broken at last import (3570)
          • Password update impossible (3573)

1.2.44 (17-Jul-2023)

New Features:

          • Le Figaro - new export format (objects) (3524)
          • Duplicate rental season - add to menu (ZP-7571) (3541)

Bug Fixes:

          • Objects references (agency settings) (3544)
          • View Object: HTML code from new HTML descriptions (3561)

Hot Fixes:

          • Show property keys in Type 1 = Villa (3564)
          • Property sent to client is not showing in sent (JV Residential) (3552)
          • IE messaging in error from Timeline (3569)
          • Object window cards (3461)
          • Account assignment email notification (3549)
          • Exclude WEB users from account assignments & Owner substitutes (3572)
          • Email alerts: property status 'sold' being sent (JV-8018) (3562)
          • MLS issues (3554)
          • CV- Issue assigning the owner to an Object (3567)
          • Web users incorrectly counted as CRM users (3565)
          • Remove limit of 10 folders in sync emails (3560)

1.2.43 (10-Jul-2023)

Hot Fixes:

          • Residential timeline must be copied on Objects (3550)
          • Exporter Failure (OPT-8010) (3556)
          • Invoicing: Bi-monthly is generating bi-weekly instead (3555)
          • Traffic lights check logic error for Objects (3542)
          • Clicking bookmarks doesn't set field values (3551)
          • Casfari: type 1 Lodging (key = 31) not assigned (3514)
          • Idealista email scraper variant (3543)
          • Preview PDF template in CV in error (3546)
          • IE - discrepancies in Relevant properties (3553)
          • Accounts filter creation date issue (JV-8015) (3559)
          • Accounts filter 'Transaction Type' not working (3540)

1.2.42 (03-Jul-2023)

New Features:

          • APITS v4 specs (3548)

Bug Fixes:

          • Sequence issues (3265)
          • Land: some fields logic not working (3547)
          • Missing export formats (3487)

Hot Fixes:

          • Preview PDF template in CV in error (3546)
          • Classifications not available for suboffices (3539)
          • Adding Location in Common Data (3538)

1.2.41 (26-Jun-2023)

New Features:

          • New Object types 1 - copy characteristics (3417)

Bug Fixes:

          • RO Costa Blanca type two is missing (3534)

Hot Fixes:

          • Add Object to Portal fails (CV) (3533)
          • Object validations issues (3535)
          • Object filter 'Categories' (3537)
          • Multiple portals are experiencing problems... again. (3517)

1.2.40 (19-Jun-2023)

New Features:

          • RO: add a 2nd account import for API (3470)

Bug Fixes:

          • CRON import screen updates (3237)
          • ZP-7649 - Booking payments not showing correctly (3247)

Hot Fixes:

          • CV - SAVE & CLOSE fails on some Objects (3528)
          • Owner office assignment fails to save (3531)
          • Residential features table restoration (3529)
          • Support tickets menu unselects by itself in all agencies (3530)
          • Casafari - remaining issues (3522)
          • Fotocasa export issues (3527

1.2.39 (12-Jun-2023)

Bug Fixes:

          • Rental price in Object preview not shown (3456)
          • Issue in creating exporter for commercials (3523)
          • Properties (objects) email template short code update (3411)
          • [rental_contracts attribute=rental_price] wrong value (3272)

Hot Fixes:

          • CMS menu children (3520)
          • Update the API on Daxit request (3521)
          • Images showing in preview WC Objects (3469)
          • Add to Basket fails (Objects) (3525)
          • Objects relations to other elements (3269)

1.2.38 (05-Jun-2023)

New Features:

          • MLS settings speed (3198)
          • CBRAI import - small update - IC-7982 (3510)
          • Migration of a Residential user to Commercial (CV) (3513)

Bug Fixes:

          • CASAFARI CRON fails (3506)
          • Translation missing for BOARDS (3511)
          • Residential to commercial profiles synced issue in the account (3519)
          • ST/LT Rentals are not disabling the correct modules (3467)

Hot Fixes:

          • HTML editor updating error in agency model (3516)
          • CMS categories pagination not working (3512)
          • Objects list rental prices not showing (3518)
          • Objects Map view not working correctly (3515)
          • Cadastral number search fails (3480)
          • ICCI - Leads generated from FB campaigns have wrong property of interest (2070)

1.2.37 (29-May-2023)

Bug Fixes:

          • RM images and property count issue (3504)
          • Sub office showing users of other offices in Meeting (3497)
          • New office created: show graphic of other office (3496)
          • CRM Objects - sales (ZP-7966) (3498)

Hot Fixes:

          • James Edition XML in error - IC-7952 (3503)
          • Error in XML export format Zimmo (3494)
          • Agencies assignment logic portal enquiries (IC-7964) (3485)
          • Ical incorrect dates (again) - OPT-7943 (3465)
          • Error saving object - Price history 502 error (3493)
          • SUB offices issues (3509)

1.2.36 (22-May-2023)

New Features:

          • Replace text editor property descriptions (3400)

Bug Fixes:

          • Commercial gridboards - deformed images (3492)

Hot Fixes:

          • Rightmove DELETE properties requestes CV (3501)
          • Casafari follow-up items from 3424 (3468)
          • Import 'url' for Casafari properties of IE (3491)
          • ST rentals prices in Object impacted (3489)
          • MLS-register and register - COUNTRY load error (3500)
          • New portal email to scrape - James Edition (2565)
          • Casafari follow-up for IE (3502)
          • MLS agency: types 1 not loading (3495)
          • Rental calendar - follow up from 3146 (3476)
          • Other reference search Objects returns 0 results - ZP-7967 (3499)
          • Import CRON ZP-7971 no longer running (3505)
          • Ical incorrect dates (again) - OPT-7943 (3465)
          • James Edition XML in error - IC-7952 (3503)
          • Error in XML export format Zimmo (3494)

1.2.35 (15-May-2023)

New Features:

          • Reporting module for 3269 Ticket (3420)
          • Object dates updates (3452)
          • Objects: ownership percentage (3453)
          • Activity groups- hide function (3474)
          • Cannot delete seasons in Object (Pure Ibiza) (3488)

Bug Fixes:

          • Comm property export missing many fields (3168)
          • User add only in master, never in sub office (3482)
          • Interested properties are not showing in the account (IC&IC2) (3483)

Hot Fixes:

          • Sub office must not be able to edit office in owner/account (3484)
          • Rental periods are not populated in objects (3486)
          • Content languages not corresponding to MLS wizard (3490)

1.2.34 (08-May-2023)

New Features:

          • API random properties filter for web (3466)
          • Sequences list - add sortable 2 columns (3478)

Bug Fixes:

          • Object window cards (3461)
          • Viewings - questionnaire failing (3475)

Hot Fixes:

          • Idealista enquiry not updating Timeline Account (JV-7931) (3454)
          • Rentals calendar replacement (3146)
          • Bookmark Objects fails (3473)
          • Relevant properties filter Objects incorrect (3477)
          • Object account profile filter - 3477 (3479)
          • Export companies failing (3409)
          • Wrong API Parking Parameter in Object features (3471)
          • ADMIN: submenus get auto-deselected (3481)

1.2.33 (02-May-2023)

Bug Fixes:

          • T Rental price not showing in Object Details (3403)
          • Object board - region/province fail to reload (3460)
          • Incoming MLS must not be shared outgoing again (LPG-7917) (3447)

Hot Fixes:

          • Viewing is not showing the property reference (ZP-7927) (3463)
          • RO import API - Display Title (CRM ticket 7908 Asbo) (3426)

1.2.32 (25-April-2023)

New Features:

          • Viewings - owner related properties - JV7914 (3438)
          • Properties scrumboard - Type 1 missing as condition (3459)
          • Restore Capanes properties (3445)

Bug Fixes:

          • Duplicating Notification elements from Commodata (3448)

Hot Fixes:

          • Sub Office appearing that are not active in agency (3446)
          • Rental API 0 rental price (ZP-7919 BLOCKER) (3449)
          • Save Project loses Type 1 House (3455)
          • Object ref not showing in Viewing (JV-7929) (3458)
          • Account filter to Relevant Objects (3436)
          • Agency Settings - GDPR text editor fails (again) (3441)
          • Booking price locking (ZP-7859) (3443)
          • Object rental period formats and values (3462)
          • Cleaning WO's for Bookings (3451)

1.2.31 (19-April-2023)

Bug Fixes:

          • API booking update - duplication check accounts (3425)

Hot Fixes:

          • Price including commission wrongly adding commission again (3427)
          • Invoicing going wrong (3439)
          • Email alert switch not saving in account (3444)
          • Account profiles must sync in comm from residential (3421)
          • Same day check-out/in failing again (ZP-7911) (3414)
          • Booking Pricing errors objects (3428)
          • Objects references issues (3434)
          • API update bookings (Naeem) (3440)
          • CLL - delete all bookings (3430)

1.2.30 (17-April-2023)

New Features:

          • Auctions List + Documents (3429)

Bug Fixes:

          • Casafari - follow-up to #3390 (3424)
          • Video preview not reacting (Objects) (3431)

Hot Fixes:

          • Accounts: object profile pricing section disappears (3422)
          • Export Residential property to XLS fails (3419)
          • Object expansion: duplication of main image (3432)
          • Object expansion 2: image loading issue (test in Support-PI1) (3433)
          • Account phone validation disappeared (3435)
          • Objects list issues (3423)
          • Account profile with map selection - MEMORY issue (3416)

1.2.29 (10-April-2023)

New Features:

          • Cleaning orders & list to Comm (3147)
          • Owners menu - 2 missing options - JV-7893 (3360)
          • Download/Upload csv in CMS translations (2720)
          • Template module for 3269 Ticket (3402)

Bug Fixes:

          • Agency settings: hide irrelevant module info (3405)
          • ZP-7892 - missing property references on calendar (3365)
          • Property REF missing in tooltip calendar - ZP-7892 (3386)
          • Issue not showing last booking date in find one API (3412)

Hot Fixes:

          • Cron error log (3408)
          • Copied CMS: post types related to page (3407)
          • CMS translations import continued issues (3406)
          • Export companies failing (3409)
          • CMS translations table download/upload (3375)
          • RO cron broke (see cron logs) (3401)
          • ZP-7904 - enquiries no longer creating bookings (3394)
          • ZP-7909 - dates wrong in web enquiries booking (3404)
          • Wrong booking dates saved when booking from ANY calendar in CRM (3410)
          • All Objects deletion not working (3413)
          • Updating agency feed system deletes URL structures agency (3415)
          • Adding Object Type fails after adding a few (3418)

1.2.28 (03-April-2023)

New Features:

          • Bookings (commercial) creation date in list (3389)
          • Objects - rental selection & pricing (3396)
          • API update PDF (for Daxit) (3397)
          • Exclusions Module for 3269 (3392)
          • ACTIVITIES Modules For 3269 (3380)
          • Duplicate CMS Globexs to copied site (3399)

Bug Fixes:

          • Bookings - Contracts - translations failing (3387)
          • Duplicate Objects - JV-7874 (3330)
          • User status values not translating (3391)
          • Mapping errors incoming Kyero feeds Red SP - ZP-7879 (3333)
          • RO cron breaking (3385)

Hot Fixes:

          • Objects with 0 price cannot be updated (3388)
          • NC projects API failure (3384)

1.2.27 (27-March-2023)

New Features:

          • CONTACTS module for the 3269 ticket (3367)

Bug Fixes:

          • Error in commercial module (edited, selected a Property category, save & close) (3374)
          • API for JV (Naeem) (3379)

Hot Fixes:

          • Auction property not showing in AI office of IM (3376)
          • Auction property wrong sharing method (3377)
          • API update commercial 'custom categories' (3383)
          • Residential_Comm property MLS & web issues (3381)
          • Still RO mapping errors and no entries in Cron logs to correct (3370)
          • CITIES translations discrepancies (3355)

1.2.26 (20-Mar-2023)

New Features:

          • Objects filter update for Projects (3235)
          • BOOKINGS module for 3269 Ticket (3323)
          • update findAllWithLatLang API (3371)

Bug Fixes:

          • ZP-7829 - related to hot fix 3256 (3261)
          • CMS settings give this error (3356)
          • Date format error (year) (3358)
          • Dev Speed issue (3362)
          • UPDATED date issues Objects (3353)
          • Create booking: exclude Archived Objects (3349)
          • Update database - Residential to Commercial (3373)
          • Residential/Commercial - Available for Web (3369)

Hot Fixes:

          • Outgoing ical fails (3357)
          • Commondata - update & create region fails (3359)
          • API residential to commercial JV (3361)
          • API update for Globexs - super urgent (3368)
          • Update Object (LOB) - errors (3364)
          • API update for Globexs (3372)

1.2.25 (13-Mar-2023)

New Features:

          • Sync Residential-Commercial properties (3299)
          • Objects Board - sorting options (3348)
          • NEW CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS for 3269 ticket (3347)
          • Filter update Meetings - JV-7876 (3335)
          • Objects Availability dates missing (3354)

Bug Fixes:

          • Missing distance in Cbrai XML (Immo365) (3284)
          • RESALES ONLINE general feed still not updating daily (3280)
          • Search list property numbers and property names disapearing in bookings (beta) (3337)
          • Types in list not to translate by general translation key (3339)
          • Booking price calculation issue (3342)
          • Property details page fail (LPG) (3345)
          • Create booking: exclude Archived Objects (3349)
          • Tooltips translations fail in Comm Exporter (3352)
          • Cleaning List & Work Order search field fails (3351)
          • City table fails to sort of city value (2755)
          • Wrong mapping in properties imported from RO feed (3154)

Hot Fixes:

          • Sorting on Objects impossible (3325)
          • API updated New Construction properties (3340)
          • JV commercial API (3341)
          • Accounts board - save Location Group (3343)
          • Reject object from relevant properties hangs (3346)
          • ZP7888 - Kyero Extended export for ZP not running (3350)

1.2.24 (06-Mar-2023)

New Features:

          • Account TL - Update when objects module is ON (3127)
          • New xml export format Luxury Estate (Kyero Extended) (3282)
          • Restrict user status to Super Admin only (3329)
          • API features properties comm (3328)
          • Add WhatsApp menu in Relevant properties Accounts (Residential) - ZP-7873 (3338)

Bug Fixes:

          • Missing distance in Cbrai XML (Immo365) (3284)
          • Manually enter booking discount in Bookings (Beta) (3320)
          • RO Property duplications issues (3311)

Hot Fixes:

          • Paging through Objects: ERRORS (3324)
          • LPG api issues (3313)
          • API update in commercial properties API (3322)
          • Fix incorrect import mapping Valencia for Globexs (3326)
          • Bookings CALCULATE fails to update values (3331)
          • Price available: wrong error msg (3336)
          • API for country-regions-province-city without Property availability check (AI) (3321)
          • Account search on partner full name fails CV-7854 (3300)
          • Booking and pricing issues (BETA-commercial) (3309)
          • New bookings creation no price (3332)

1.2.23 (27-Feb-2023)

New Features:

          • New Features / Change Request:
          • API - missing ALT tag images for web (3315)
          • Json data for commercial (3318)

Bug Fixes:

          • ZP ticket 7631 - wrong [end_price] in email (2760)
          • Incorrect Regions table (Switzerland) (3296)
          • Properties missing for JV on Idealista (3312)

Hot Fixes:

          • Add feed URL for agencies in Company (3310)
          • RO Property duplications issues (3311)
          • Download Residential property to Excel in Error (3316)
          • AI - API for getting Company data (3314)
          • API update for AI (3319)
          • API: search by Property Name (3317)

1.2.22 (20-Feb-2023)

New Features:

          • Immovlan portal API integration (3174)
          • Country ISO codes to show on Country table (3303)
          • Contract footer should be centered (ZP-7849) (3295)

Bug Fixes:

          • Viewing tour not showing the property nor time (ZP-7822) (3257)

Hot Fixes:

          • Objects search fails (3290)
          • GB - delete & reimport images with descriptions (3278)
          • Object settings failing (3258)
          • Objects list not displaying GEO data (3304)
          • Idealista lead not created from scraping in JV-7853 (3297)

1.2.21 (13-Feb-2023)

New Features:

          • Comm Projects: new condition to SAVE project (3286)
          • Cadastral search in Objects (3274)
          • Remove Austria Cities & Albania in Cities Table (3294)

Bug Fixes:

          • Offer added: change Object status to Under Offer going wrong upon Cancel (3288)
          • Offer not loading Object REF (it is there though) (3287)
          • ZP sees accounts of other agencies (3273)
          • Feed United real Estate missing (ZP-7842) (3283)

Hot Fixes:

          • Sub office - cannot select type 1 (Objects) (3293)
          • Save & close fails to close Object update (3291)
          • ZP-7834 Idealista feed including SOLD properties (3260)
          • API for rentals search by dates (3267)

1.2.20 (06-Feb-2023)

New Features:

          • Properties XML Import mapping (2748)

Bug Fixes:

          • Info not showing on Firefox (3249)
          • Parsing error in Offer (3271)
          • "Yes" to "Si translation" (templates) (3275)
          • Residential: 0 relevant properties without any condition selected (3281)
          • ZP sees accounts of other agencies (3272)
          • Incorrect CBRAI mapping (3250)

Hot Fixes:

          • Many Errors after Release in MY2 (3263)
          • CBRAI feed - move to CBRAI production (3143)
          • Companies selections multi-pages & CSV downloads fail OPT-7841 (3279)
          • Issues with ALL portals since COMM adaptations made (3277)
          • Objects related issues (3259)
          • IDEALISTA export CV (3264)
          • SALE: can no longer select object reference (3270)

1.2.19 (30-Jan-2023)

New Features:

          • ZP-7822 - Residential references to Object references (3246)

Bug Fixes:

          • Failing PDF selection in Account Relevant COMM properties (3193)
          • Debugging the issue for the URL removal (3219)
          • Source not displaying in account (3252)

Hot Fixes:

          • ZP-7738 - Zariko Fotocasa feed missing majority of properties (3243)
          • CBRAI feed - move to CBRAI production (3143)
          • Property selection by page & export XML images (3233)
          • INTERNAL attachments must not be visible to clients (3248)
          • Sequences issues (hanging & search impossible) - ZP7828 (3255)
          • ThinkSpain lead creation issues JV-7825 (3254)
          • ZP-7829 - wrong value in short code (IMPORTANT) (3256)

1.2.18 (23-Jan-2023)

New Features:

          • Email alert for objects for sale (3082)
          • New account filters (3164)
          • Update the Commercial type APi (3231)
          • API update per Naeem (3232)

Bug Fixes:

          • Email templates in Comm Relevant Properties (3087)
          • Account grid search by date fails on exact date (3230)

Hot Fixes:

          • UI issue CMS blog posts - categories (3227)
          • Imports to set as 'not show on website' (3229)
          • Objects filter on Listing Agency fails (3234)
          • AI API fails to limit based on auction dates (3236)
          • Objects filter hanging long time (3238)
          • Locations (common data) failures (3241)
          • Reference search not displaying sold property (3245)
          • Account advanced search fails (3242)
          • Wrong mappings import LPG (3239)
          • Import accounts csv is hanging (3218)

1.2.17 (16-Jan-2023)

New Features:

          • DE portal Immowelt specs (3173)
          • Create a property point in map (3225)

Bug Fixes:

          • Archived Objects issues (3217)
          • Search accounts - retaining values in search box (3222)
          • Failing rounding to 2 decimals - Object rental prices (3223)

Hot Fixes:

          • MLS properties Project (3220)
          • Errors export accounts in CSV (3216)
          • Fotocasa API key (ZP-7738) (3195)
          • Some companies (type agency) not found in Object search (3224)
          • Select Objects in Viewing + Owners in Objects as Company (3221)
          • Privadia import for new agency (LPG) (2989)

1.2.16 (09-Jan-2023)

New Features:

          • Add the classification field in APIs (3204)
          • New API or Update Blog list API (3207)
          • Copy kyero feed format and remove limit of 49 images (3186)
          • API update (3215)

Bug Fixes:

          • CRM JV-7759 - Account not shown in Company + emails Company missing (3184)
          • Sorting & Searching on CMS Related Page in Post Types fails (3202)
          • Error when searching objects on the map (3162)
          • Object numbers in Viewing docs everywhere - ZP-7770 (3211)
          • JV-7771 - assigned-to parameter fails report (3210)
          • Invoicing - download invoice from inside invoice (3209)

Hot Fixes:

          • Impossible to load comm prop on dev2 (3197)
          • API update LPG (3206)
          • Idealista email scraping not creating lead (ZP) (3199)
          • JV-7769 - viewing sheet missing REF & address (3208)
          • Additional Casafari imports for IE (3205)
          • IM web shows properties of INACTIVE agencies (3213)
          • Comm rental contracts issues (3214)

1.2.15 (02-Jan-2023)

New Features:

          • Update rentals search API (3196)
          • API - Blog API in user_created_name missing (3203)
          • Add 3 XML imports in LPG agency (3201)

Bug Fixes:

          • CRON job identification (3163)
          • Fix the Cron fail issue (3181)
          • Issue with custom account grid boards search (3169)
          • Locations table issues (2628)ZP - Properties not in Fotocasa basket but included in the feed
          • Impossible to load Objects on dev2 (3197)
          • Projects PDF small issues remaining (ticket CV-7633) (3200)
          • Add JSON import screen for Objects (3128)

Hot Fixes:

          • Objects - menus missing (3192)
          • Images not loading in Send Email To Account (thumbnails) (3194)
          • User authorisation violations (3190)
          • API needed for blog categories & count (3191)
          • Globexs - import new properties xml feed in dev2 (3140)
          • MLS sharing again not correct (LPG-7760) (3189)
          • Again Idealista email scraping not creating lead (ZP) (3199)
          • MLS sharing again not correct (LPG-7760) (3189)
          • ZP - Properties not in fotocasa basket but included in the feed (3098)

1.2.14 (26-Dec-2022)

New Features:

          • Basket from residential to commercial (2735)

Bug Fixes:

          • Again errors in Google address of Agency (3104)
          • Issues with duplicated objects (3145)
          • Object thumbnails updates (3157)
          • Accounts search by creation date not always showing correct results (2939)
          • When there is an existing virtual tour it should be displayed in the object (3159)
          • Object filter "sleeps" update (3180)

Hot Fixes:

          • API issue in property type1 for AI (3175)
          • Search rental price API issue for IM (3176)
          • Commercial project property types mismatch (3179)
          • New development images not loading in LPG website (3178)
          • No property data loading in details page after SKIP-CACHE (3167)
          • LPG - Featured properties section in home page images not loading (3182)
          • Shared company must be VIEW-ONLY (3183)
          • Issues in Objects (3177)
          • MLS Meetings pages all in error (3187)
          • Objects Open URL + link in Thumbnail emails (3185)
          • Cannot add email in CRM - JV-7762 (3188)

1.2.13 (19-Dic-2022)

New Features:

          • -

Bug Fixes:

          • Issue with questionnaire status (3150)
          • Invoice Setting issue (3158)
          • CMS post types - Show the related page (3156)
          • Issue when sorting objects by price (3144)
          • Optimise web API's commercial (3153)
          • Duplicate Objects issues and error (3148)

Hot Fixes:

          • Change import URL's from RedSP feeds (3066)
          • Download SEO data from objects not working (3161)
          • Idealista leads have no phone number in CRM (3155)
          • API issue for new development sort by price (3165)
          • API updates for Globexs (rentals search) (3166)
          • LPG CMS Post Types in error (3170)
          • Update API for LPG, SMR,... (3171)

1.2.12 (12-Dic-2022)

New Features:

          • New Work Order for Objects (3000)
          • Upload csv translations file both in IM and AI CMS (3123)
          • Update permalink with csv upload (residential) (3121)
          • Attachments compatibility (2745)
          • Schedule nightly XML import for LPG (3152)
          • New email enquiry format to scrape for Idealista (3091)

Bug Fixes:

          • Export format names - translations (3112)
          • Duplicating object - copied from REF missing (3125)
          • In Objects show contract templates with type=Objects (instead of Residential) (3107)
          • Wrong mapping when copying residential into objects (3132)

Hot Fixes:

          • Auction Provider Company to come from Commondata and not individual agency (3049)
          • Export comm property fails again (3149)
          • Commondata company auction provider cannot be selected in auction (3151)

1.2.11 (5-Dic-2022)

New Features:

          • Boats: add auction (3093)
          • Account/owners/companies classification - allow deleting value (3134)
          • Quick invoicing update: remove menu option Incoming Invoices (3136)

Bug Fixes:

          • Issues with featured objects API (for LPG web) (3116)
          • RightMove feed - Add features (2528)
          • Booking price calculation when Billing schedule = One time (2970)
          • CMS cannot upload new header menu logo (new image not saved) (3137)

Hot Fixes:

          • No LOCATION can be created commondata (3129)
          • Name missing in leads from Idealista (ZP-7750) (3131)
          • Auctions issues (3126)
          • PB kyero feed cron not updated (3130)
          • Many filter fields comm missing (3113)
          • Object in Auctions cannot be updated/saved (3138)
          • Incoming MLS objects AGAIN shown as Own Listings (3141)
          • Google address & lat/long not saved in comm property (3142)

1.2.10 (28-Nov-2022)

New Features:

          • Small update Commercial prop expansion (3065)
          • CBRAI feed format - add nodes for creation date and last updated date (3099)
          • WC templates 34 and 35 - Show more description characters (3103)

Bug Fixes:

          • Hide excluded commercial types (3089)
          • Invoice PDF - items not translated (3102)
          • Email with address in CC and BCC (2601)
          • View Comm Property in Owners list fails (3090)
          • New favicon png not saved in CMS (3119)
          • How to import custom field in residential properties with csv upload? (3109)
          • Issues with account + owners classification (3117)

Hot Fixes:

          • Duplicated invoice number (3105)
          • IM Master shows less properties than Auctions sub (3097)
          • Bookmark filters not stored in created bookmark (3108)
          • Issues in commercial types1 API (for ASBO web) (3101)
          • Again issues in ZP holiday rental price in CRM (ZP-7725) (3110)
          • Invoicing issues (3106)
          • New XML imports (recent update done by team) assigning incorrect MLS level in RED SP agency (3114)
          • Office-based invoicing creates invoice in Master instead of Office (3122)
          • Still issues with type1 API for ASBO website (3115)

1.2.9 (21-Nov-2022)

New Features:

          • API to create lead assigned to agent in CRM (for ASB web) (3077)
          • Auction Provider Company to come from Commondata and not individual agency (3049)
          • Import Globexs property test xml feed (3075)
          • Viewings list - update fields (3081)

Bug Fixes:

          • Residential properties - issue with search (3074)
          • Comm Property - Rent - Cleaning - COMPANIES list (3080)
          • Deselecting item doesn't allow to select other option (3086)
          • Align viewing comments in property statistics pdf (3083)
          • Issue with pw format checks (2747)

Hot Fixes:

          • API issues for IM/AI (3088)
          • Feed formats are all the same (3084)
          • Password change impossible (WEAK) (3094)
          • Rentals list (beta) not showing all rental properties (3085)
          • Viewing/tour comments in property statistics pdf (3064)
          • Change import URL's from RedSP feeds (3066)
          • Invoicing settings & invoice creation issues (3096)

1.2.8 (14-Nov-2022)

New Features:

          • Newsletter switch and filter in accounts and owners (3024)
          • JV-7627 - Show owner email templates (2772)
          • Contact templates - Create new type for Objects (2680)
          • Feedback from Demo - Owner (2942)

Bug Fixes:

          • Share with IM agency only OWN properties from other CRM agencies + Do not share demo agency properties with IM (3059)
          • Commercial Building Styles mix-up and exclusion failure (3056)
          • Objects issues found in demo (3010)
          • ZP-7674 - Owner address not displayed in property private info (popup) (2897)
          • Commercial advanced search issue in location groups (3067)
          • Owner properties tab for Objects only (3078)
          • ZP-7725 - Wrong rental price shown in holiday rentals property details page (3078)

Hot Fixes:

          • SALE: Other agency commission line has disappeared (3060)
          • Leads from idealista not created anymore because of email layout change (3051)
          • Change import URL's from RedSP feeds (3066)
          • Auction objects disappeared in IM (3069)
          • Commercial Index API needs to update according to the location group (3072)
          • Objects API update for ASB when shown_on is empty (3073)
          • New feeds activated from ICCI agency for idealista and fotocasa but giving 404 error (3070)
          • Commercial property types must only be editable by Super Admin (3079)

1.2.7 (07-Nov-2022)

New Features:

          • API for uploading company logo and background images (3050)
          • Commercial Features Duplication (3042)
          • Export accounts - Include also objects profile fields (2992)
          • Objects missing in new construction detail API (3052)

Bug Fixes:

          • Location group dropdown in objects filter sidebar issue (3053)
          • Duplication check API AI (3041)
          • IE WC templates 34 and 35 - Image repeated (2759)
          • Decimals in Rent tab Object (3031)
          • Lightbox comm property fails everywhere (3044)
          • Agency search not working in IM (3062)

Hot Fixes:

          • Object: remove auction dates not saved (3058)
          • Booking status issue (residential module) (3055)
          • Leads from idealista not created anymore because of email layout change (3051)
          • EDIT all incoming auctions properties in Office = Auctions (3057)
          • Copy residential to comm: Monthly rental value empty (3054)
          • Mailbox not opening anymore (3061)

1.2.6 (31-Oct-2022)

New Features:

          • Move all residential to Commercials (2774)
          • API update for AI/IM (see Name) Company create/update (3036)
          • Update filters Relevant properties (comm/residential/boats/moorings) (2883)
          • API update AI/IM (3048)

Bug Fixes:

          • Comm property creation: default 'Show on web: NONE' (3039)
          • AI-Auctions API countries with future active auctions (3032)
          • Source - API AI/IM not working (3045)

Hot Fixes:

          • EVERY object set for auction + available must be in IM master + Auction office (3040)
          • MLS agency shows no menus (yet they exist) (3043)
          • Delete Auction document not possible (3047)

1.2.5 (24-OCT-2022)

New Features:

          • API updates: Account profile provinces/cities + auction properties with future closing date (3026)
          • Move all residential to Commercials (2774)
          • Objects filter: add AUCTION DATE TO when auction selected (3033)
          • Newsletter switch and filter in accounts and owners (3024)
          • Comm property creation: default 'Show on web: NONE' (3039)

Bug Fixes:

          • CRM ticket JV-7459 - Not all properties imported from xml feed (3027)
          • User log download: add date parameters (2895)
          • API issue when implementing DA (danish) language in new ASB website (2975)
          • Update API account creation from AI/IM (3035)
          • Add in objects API property category(ies) (3030)
          • JV - WC template 33 - Pool icon not shown anymore (2854)
          • CRM ticket AA-7710 Addendum issue in contract templates (3023)
          • Extra not included in booking end price (ZP-7689) (3038)

Hot Fixes:

          • RENT tab without content (Privadia property import) (3029)
          • Proforma invoicing issues (3025)
          • Objects not loading in IM Auctions office (3034)
          • Objects urgent issues (3037)

1.2.4 (17-OCT-2022)

New Features:

          • New Features / Change Request:Booking Calander for commercial (2993)
          • Energy certificate updates for FOTOCASA feed (3015)
          • Other Co-Broking issues (2931)
          • Small Casafari import update (2949)
          • Privadia import for new agency (2989)
          • Rooms, Bedrooms and Bathrooms tabs in objects (3022)

Bug Fixes:

          • Accounts search by creation date not always showing correct results (2939)
          • Wrong condition in traffic lights Objects (3006)
          • Scrum board follow-up from #2868 (2991)
          • Wrong results filtering incoming MLS properties (2900)
          • Property scrum board issue with images: documents included! (3012)
          • Commercial booking calendar images: exclude documents (3013)
          • Calendar pagination issue in my2 only (good in dev) (3018)
          • Commercial traffic light issue (3020)
          • Properties created from owners in AI and IM websites are not shown in IM CRM agency (3011)
          • API issues in AI and IM (3016)
          • Commercial search in list (2888)
          • Co-living and Commercial spaces object types issue (3021)

Hot Fixes:

          • Authorisation issue in new developments new module when clicking on Audit tab (3017)
          • Comm filter for OWN wrong due to MLS incoming objects (3014)
          • Resales Online feed in agency settings should populate properties in Objects (3019)

1.2.3 (10-OCT-2022)

New Features:

          • Update in WC templates 34 and 35 for IE (2997)
          • Property Name in Objects list expansion (2994)
          • Translations to upload in IM and AI CMS (3004)
          • Properties scrum board follow-up from #2868 (2991)

Bug Fixes:

          • Still one small issue in bookmarks in Residential (2982)
          • Sales price repeated in Object expansion (2999)
          • New development - issues when uploading images in original images and in document tabs (2971)
          • Forgot password API issue (for IM/AI) (3003)
          • "Agency" filter in Objects (2856)

Hot Fixes:

          • Objects SAVE -> blank screen with errors (3001)
          • IM and AI 'search' not responding (3005)
          • Admin logout while navigate to active projects (3002)
          • MLS editing violation (2996) Invoicing - companies (2998)
          • Residential add to portal show stopper (2995)
          • Random error + geo fails at creation Object (3008)
          • Auction docs from wrong country (3009)
          • ST rental switch missing in Object (3007)
          • Invoicing - companies (2998)

1.2.2 (03-OCT-2022)

New Features:

          • Booking status logic (2960)
          • Objects API - Add also properties with status = SOLD (same as we have in residential) (2983)
          • Comm reorder some tabs for LAND (2984)
          • API for websites using objects module (2924)
          • Co-Broking menus & functions to integrate with commercial (2924)
          • Commercial Property scrum board (2868)

Bug Fixes:

          • Bookmarks previously created in Residential properties disappeared (2964)
          • CRON jobs refresh button not working (2978)
          • Co-Broking: request a viewing defaults (2979)
          • Feedback from Demo - OBJECTS (2940)
          • Invoicing number issue (2988)
          • CRM tickets AA-7695 and 7678 related to contract templates (2959)
          • REDSP MLS issue (2987)

Hot Fixes:

          • Objects List - Mass Update issues (2977)
          • Follow up from #2867 - auctions wrong documents (2976)
          • Same for Objects: see #2953 (2958)
          • Auction docs not showing for Type 1 = Land (2985)
          • Owner grid board fatal error (2986)
          • Add to basket OBJECT: counter not updating (2930)
          • Errors in console when saving property AP218 in ZP agency - CRM ticket 7703 (2990)

1.2.1 (26-SEP-2022)

New Features:

          • RO feed to import in ASB agency (2858)
          • API issues for AI / IM (2962)
          • API issue in new development images/documents for IC website (2972)
          • Bookings (objects) - Add documents tab (2973)

Bug Fixes:

          • Images server disks sleeping (2879)
          • JV user email cannot be synch (2961)
          • Auctions: documents download & delete (2967)
          • Auction docs mixed up at creation object (2974)

Hot Fixes:

          • SALE - follow-up from #2943 (2957)
          • CB: My Profile --> user kicked out (2966)
          • CB: zero units shown now! (2965)
          • Comm property to Relevant accounts profiling (2879)
          • Activities - Cannot add comment in TL (2963)
          • Objects search not working (always giving 0 results) (2969)
          • From #2923 Relevant comm properties (2968)

1.1.38 (19-SEP-2022)

New Features:

          • New Construction Module connected with Commercial Properties (2866)
          • Rental bookings - Pending issues (2929)
          • Object: Office Group selector missing (2950)

Bug Fixes:

          • Search Type 1 & Type 2 fails in comm (2937)
          • API search issue for draw on map in IC website (2927)
          • User log download: add date parameters (2895)
          • identification_type for home staging images in some cases not sent in API (for IC website) (2948)
          • Properties API View By Ref no response (2952)
          • Error when synch email in CRM (2947)
          • Google API errors in Agency (2956)
          • CB office shows sales that are not from CB office (2951)

Hot Fixes:

          • Comm property validation error upon action (2936)
          • Co-Broking Price List: missing array for fields (2944)
          • Co-Broking - My Sales page errors (2945)
          • Co-Broking menus & data shown for CB role (2922)
          • Create Offer Object freezes in error (2946)
          • Sale: not possible to select OWN AGENCY anymore (2943)
          • Objects showstopper issues (2955)
          • Co-Broking: Available Units must show all made available to CB (2953)

1.1.37 (12-SEP-2022)

New Features:

      • Comm properties: Bookmarks missing (2887)
      • IE private area user assignment 'partner' (2882)
      • Download invoices from S3 bucket (AWS) (2913)
      • Rental Bookings for Commercial (2841)

Bug Fixes:

      • city_value = Paris wrong (2916)
      • ZP-7677 - Issue with property availability on website + price = 0 (2915)
      • Translation keys not working - minor updates (2919)
      • IDUFIR/CRU error when saving a property (2933)
      • Translation of contract template type in contracts overview (2934)

Hot Fixes:

      • Issues found (2914)
      • ADD language no longer possible for Admin role (2918)
      • Relevant accounts from Residential (and comm) property incorrect (2920)
      • Missing OBJECTS & RESIDENTIAL in Task Manager (2921)
      • Object Quick Create fails (2926)
      • Holiday rental prices not shown anymore in ZP website (2928)
      • ZP website issue when searching by dates (2932)
      • Contract templates for OBJECTS missing (2925)
      • Deletion incoming MLS property must not be possible (2935)
      • Comm property validation error upon action (2922)

1.1.36 (5-SEP-2022)

New Features:

      • API update to show also properties in New Dev with status Sold and Under offer (2902)
      • ES translations to upload in agency CMS (2909)
      • User log download: add date parameters (2895)
      • Invoicing config by Office (2870)

Bug Fixes:

      • JS issue in selecting/deselecting in list (accounts) (2901)
      • Objects - features unselected when moving to another tab (2892)
      • Objects marked as featured in CRM, but not shown in SM website (2898)
      • Update Commercial as any change happen in Residentials (2907)
      • CBRAI - agency not displayed inside the property (2736)
      • Commercial types 1 conditional fields incorrect (2912)

Hot Fixes:

      • Google Maps API failing again in Agency creation (2908)
      • Auction XML not including the links for Docs in DOCS node (2905)
      • Can no longer create recurring invoice (2911)
      • More Google API issues; now in Company (2910)

1.1.35 (29-AUG-2022)

New Features:

      • Add the agency logo in new development API (2896)
      • Invoicing - info on bill-to/company (2873)
      • Auto-translation comm property content Google Translation API (2859)
      • Bookings add Documents tab (CRM ticket ZP-7579) (2580)

Bug Fixes:

      • Wrong long term rental period date moved from residential to objects module (2890)

Hot Fixes:

      • MLS properties showing in agencies Objects list (2893)
      • Location not shown anymore in home and search results pages in our websites (2893)
      • Auction updates (2877)
      • Auction XML not generated (anymore) from basket (2899)
      • IM - MLS objects & offices (2876)
      • Updating Object auction office fails + error (2904)
      • Auction tables: create works, view not (authorisations) (2903)
      • IM: setting Listing Agency in property: property disappears completely in IM (2906)

1.1.34 (22-AUG-2022)

New Features:

      • Initial release of Commercial Bookings (Beta) (2841)

Bug Fixes:

      • Invoicing corrections needed (2869)
      • Account searches fail on multiple first name records (CRM ticket ZP-7671) (2886)
      • Invoices bug (2861)

Hot Fixes:

      • NONE

1.1.33 (15-AUG-2022)

New Features:

      • Invoicing corrections needed (2869)
      • Accounts - Commercial Relevant properties pop-out (2872)

Bug Fixes:

      • Commercial Prop Images are not display in View and Grid view (2885)

Hot Fixes:

      • Viewings issues residential properties (2874)
      • Owner board: wrong Owner Sources shown (2881)
      • User cleanup in Offices prevents from updating Office (2880)
      • IM Auction Documents issue (2875)
      • Auction issues (2878)
      • Objects grid view displaying totally other properties (2884)

1.1.32 (08-AUG-2022)

New Features:

      • Invoicing updates - RELATE TO array (2850)
      • Missing menu items in Commercial properties list (2829)

Bug Fixes:

      • CRM ticket ZP-7661 - Booking ref. 32889554 not found when searching by property (2857)
      • Owner board error at loading (2865)
      • "Related to" dropdown options when residential module is not active (2867)

Hot Fixes:

      • Issue with email synch in CRM (2826)
      • Comm property update + save & close: errors (2860)
      • Issue in city and provinces of Spain country (2863)
      • Comm Relevant pop-out console errors (2871)

1.1.31 (01-AUG-2022)

New Features:

      • Company record updates (2839)
      • IM agency Companies - Show field "Related CRM agency" (2842)
      • API needed from draw on map search for IM and AI websites (2847)
      • Translations to upload in IM agency (2838)
      • API for properties for auction (for both AI and IM) (2855)

Bug Fixes:

      • AuctionImmo - property ref 474475 sent in API but not available in CRM (2845)
      • Last pending issue in messaging in CRM (in accounts TL) (2846)
      • Issues in provinces/cities API for IM (2840)
      • API for IM to create lead in other agencies (2848)
      • Account issue in commercial properties not mapping the images (2851)
      • API issue for Immomarket - sorting when price on demand (2837)

Hot Fixes:

      • Owner type Company - Quick add (2843)
      • Invoicing to an owner - Street number and postal code missing in generated invoice (2844)
      • Cannot add message in TL (account/owner/tasks/...) (2852)

1.1.30 (28-JUL-2022)

New Features:

      • Blocket xml feed format - use internal title/description when the external is not available (2692)
      • Assigning invoice number + Delete option + Correction option (2836)
      • Agency details to display in IM - Add them in agency settings (2788)


      • IE login page - send all account profile in the API (2832)
      • Property statistics - Show default reference selected in agency settings (2670)
      • Accounts search by creation/updated date issue (2804)
      • Mobile phone already exists error but cannot find it (2835)
      • IE debug when type1 is Estate/Finca (2834)
      • Translations not shown in CRM accounts/owners (2809)
      • Agency creation Google maps issues (2710)
      • Invoicing issues - continued (2831)

1.1.29 (18-JUL-2022)

New Features:

      • Small updates in kyero extended xml format (2815)
      • Additional features to add in in kyero feed format (2752)


      • Issue in invoice downloading (2823)
      • Data breach while creating company (2821)
      • PB agency- Import Kyero feed (2434)
      • IM issue in url (2819)
      • API for empty map for IE + show only properties with available for=all webs/our web (2789)
      • Import 2 new feeds in JV agency (JV-7553 and JV-7552) (2818)
      • Objects - maintain filters selected + issue when going to next page (2807)
      • Error when rejecting some relevant properties in IE agency (2792)
      • Issue when selecting pin in map for property/urbanisation (2810)
      • Invoicing issues (2824)
      • Booking popup from booking calendar is empty (2830)
      • Search by creation date not working in objects (2828)

Hot Fixes:

      • Issues with Comm Properties (2822)

1.1.28 (8-JUL-2022)

New Features:

      • IE properties counter + relevant properties + send property url (2766)
      • Objects table update (2801)
      • Object types sort alphabetically (2811)
      • Properties with price on demand (2798)
      • Beds - add in account objects profile (2816)
      • IE - Account login page MESSAGING (2683)
      • Invoicing module updates (2706)


      • Feed with GoogleEarth V2 format is giving 404 error (2740)
      • Objects moved from residential module in again have wrong (2805)
      • ASCII codes in RO feed (2799)
      • Bedrooms/bathrooms/livingrooms fields should be shown only for certain types1 (2812)

Hot Fixes:

      • Comm GEO data issue (2814)
      • Properties/Boats/Moorings of interest in Account (2813)

1.1.27 (4-JUL-2022)


      • Images and rent search issue (2781)
      • Issues with images in IM (2793)
      • API issue in auction tab (2780)
      • Star icon not selected in objects overview even if selected as featured (2785)
      • Meeting statuses not translated in meeting overview (2756)
      • Objects - records per page (2802)
      • API Search box updates for IM (2795)
      • My schedule widget - set correct sort order (2665)
      • IM wrong url for property details pages (2796)
      • Issue with download pdf from IM (2786)
      • Long term rental prices not moved from residential to objects (2794)

Hot Fixes:

      • Account cannot be saved for update email (2790)
      • New created office MENU options failure (2791)
      • Error when sending email from DI agency (2800)

1.1.26 (27-JUN-2022)

New Features:

      • Urgent API for IM (2779)
      • Upload translation files in CMS in IM agency (2778)
      • JV tickets 7058 and 7622 - import feeds (2746)


      • Property details url structure for immomarket (2649)
      • Meeting statuses not translated in meeting overview (2756)
      • 'Recurring' switch showing OFF always (2775)
      • Cleaning orders when booking gets archived (ZP-7635) (2769)
      • Issues in Objects overview (2695)

Hot Fixes:

      • Agencies with available properties to move from residential to commercial module (2777)
      • Non-Own listings must not require LONG/LAT (2782)
      • Update welcome wizard (2776)

1.1.25 (20-JUN-2022)

New Features:

      • API for IM - Download pdf (2744)
      • Accounts - Objects profile - Allow multiple selections (2753)
      • IM - Get properties with the same cadastral number (2773)
      • Property details url structure for immomarket (2649)


      • IM - accounts and owners created have no GDPR status filled (2765)
      • IM API issue - Properties of interest are deleted when the account sends an inquiry from IM (2764)
      • ZP ticket 7631 - wrong [end_price] in email (2760)
      • New construction issues (2767)
      • Issues with urbanizations (2686)
      • XML Feed - Premium Villas Costa Blanca (2771)
      • Add XML Feed for 'Cresmarta' (JV-7553) (2569)
      • Quick-fix - sources (2754)
      • Import RO new dev feed-in DI agency (2770)

Hot Fixes:

      • Accounts not shown in grid view (2763)

1.1.24 (13-JUN-2022)

New Features:

      • Kyero feed - add node for virtual tour (2617)
      • Price list in CV agency (2685)
      • APIs for immomarket - Property details (2662)


      • Relevant properties in accounts created from IM not displayed in accounts grid view (2739)
      • MLS Sharing validation issue (2710)
      • API issues for IM (2758)
      • Leads from Rightmove portal - wrong name added in leads created in CRM (2611)
      • Casafari property import update in IE agency (2733)
      • CBRAI new xml feed format (2701)

Hot Fixes:

      • Issues with account residential profile when area selected in map (2742)
      • Cannot generate ANY contract pdf in my2 (2761)

1.1.23 (6-JUN-2022)

New Features:

      • Casafari property import update in IE agency (2733)
      • Auction xml export feed to create (2732)
      • APIs for IE (2719)
      • More missing APIs for IE (2743)
      • IE - API for the Tell your account manager popup (2750)


      • Accounts grid view - Objects profile popup issues (2738)
      • Airbnb ical not synch in CLL agency (2728)
      • Booking - small issue with rounded values (2726)
      • Incoming MLS properties in basket not in Export Feed (XML) (2443)

Hot Fixes:

      • Aruba website - rentals search not working at all (2737)
      • Questionnaires no longer working (2749)
      • Booking issues - CRM tickets ZP-7623 and ZP-7610 (2751)

1.1.22 (30-MAY-2022)

New Features:

      • CBRAI new XML feed format (2701)
      • Upload CSV file with new translations in IE CMS (2694)
      • Account email and phone not shown in booking (2721)
      • Residential to commercial - use the same tables for the custom category and building style (2730)
      • Fields mapping residential - commercial (2711)


      • Objects wrong agency displayed and sent to IM (2722)
      • The issue in mooring pagination API (for IC website) (2729)
      • Facebook feed in other languages (2717)
      • Agency creation Google maps issues (2710)
      • Cron for locations crashing (2650)

Hot Fixes:

      • Web user accounts/owners limit fields (2731)

1.1.21 (23-MAY-2022)

New Features:

      • API update for YS (2712)
      • Sendinblue integration (2406)


      • ImmoMarket - Profile fields not mapped (2708)
      • No geo data is stored in Company 'Agency tab' (2615)
      • API update for rentals prices for Immomarket (2714)
      • CMS - Cannot remove page tag (2715)

Hot Fixes:

      • Cannot update region and province in city = Greater London (2716)

1.1.20 (16-MAY-2022)

New Features:

      • New APIs needed for IM auctions (2693)
      • API for YS (2691)


      • Data overflowing between agencies: Legal Statuses (2688)
      • Wrong agency creation type (2698)
      • Ghost image on commercial property (2700)
      • Contract template for short term rental - wrong booking dates displayed in PDF generated (CRM ticket ZP-7608) (2675)

Hot Fixes:

      • Birthday greeting email issues (2702)
      • Accounts disappeared in JV agency (2704)
      • Unable to save Property (2707)
      • Booking discounts again not calculated correctly (2705)

1.1.19 (9-MAY-2022)

New Features:

      • Create shortcode for today's date for contract templates (2640)
      • Booking comments field disappeared in new layout (2696)


      • IC leads coming from holiday rental properties (2655)
      • Quick key update for LG sequence field name (2682)
      • Errors in console in CRM (2661)
      • Invoice list sorting & pagination + export to XLS/CSV (2654)
      • Birthday switch issues (2697)
      • ZP booking with wrong extras amount (2699)
      • Cannot sell property 2nd time when sale is completed (ZP-7611) (2690)

Hot Fixes:

      • Account grid board - Assigned to pencil icon opens an empty popup (2681)
      • CMS page template removal (2687)
      • Missing features display (residential) - see also IC-7609 (2684)
      • Facebook feed giving error (2689)
      • Bookings coming from website (ZP-7605) (2678)

1.1.18 (2-MAY-2022)

New Features:

      • Property coordinates download in xls file (2619)
      • 4 shortcodes missing (both residential and commercial) (2623)
      • portal specs (2530)
      • Blocket xml feed format - 2 fields update (2671)


      • Mooring disappeared from IC agency (2674)
      • Semestrial invoice not generating after 6 months (2494)
      • RightMove feed - Add features (2528)
      • Accounts grid issues for Comm property, boats & moorings (2668)
      • Mooring - Marina > Features tab (2488)
      • API update - Property created from IM not connected to owner (2672)

Hot Fixes:

      • Birthday greetings automated email (2645)

1.1.17 (25-APR-2022)


      • Owners creation issue in API (2664)
      • General search - apply agency settings to agent roles (2504)
      • Booking payments popup from overview issues (2657)
      • Rental options not shown in Objects (2658)
      • Duplication icon not working (2663)
      • CBRAI feed - Some listing agencies not added in properties (2669)
      • Reporting: Holiday rentals property report (External) not opening when searching by owner (2418)
      • Second array of mooring dimensions not saved (2673)
      • Searching by mooring dimension in website (2676)

Hot Fixes:

      • Birthday greetings automated email (2654)
      • Commercial profile Types - keys instead of values (2666)
      • CBRAI Import issue (2659)
      • Booking discounts not considered in Pricing - Ticket ZP-7605 (2667)
      • Features mooring initial loading issue (2677)

1.1.16 (18-APR-2022)

New Features:

      • Bookings - Small updates (2646)
      • Make PDF template static (2644)
      • Create Documentation On jira for IM add all the params of API (2620)
      • CLL agency - Import resales online xml feed (2638)


      • APIs for immomarket - Client registration issues (2648)
      • API for immomarket - Agency logo and properties (2647)
      • API for immomarket - issues when updating account profile (2643)
      • [property_url] shortcode not working (2635)
      • ZP issue with booking price for bookings coming from website (2656)

Hot Fixes:

      • Support-PB1 Gilmar feed import overwrites all (2651)
      • Wrong LT rent price displayed on ZP website (ZP-7594) (2652)
      • Errors Quick Account creation (2653)
      • IE short term rental properties error in console (2660)

1.1.15 (11-APR-2022)

New Features:

      • Bookings - Discount/surcharge dropdown (2510)
      • IC - email enquiries to collaborators (2616)
      • RightMove feed - Add features (2528)


      • Issue when downloading PDF from LAS website (2526)
      • Issue in API for LAS website new locations search (2633)
      • Commercial - property type and transaction types displayed should be related (2618)
      • Contract templates - Hide preview button (2629)
      • New cleaning management element not saved (2639)

Hot Fixes:

      • Sequences dates issue (2642)

1.1.14 (7-APR-2022)

New Features:

      • API agency details - property filters (2610)
      • APIs for ImmoMarket - Property attachments and properties of interest (2622)
      • Bookings logic updates (2484)


      • Property of interest new filter in accounts (2439)
      • No geo data is stored in Company 'Agency tab' (2615)
      • Gilmar kyero feed (PB agency) wrong location (2472)
      • Select all records in archived (2612)
      • IE properties from Privadia feed (2609)
      • Countries, regions, provinces, cities, locations - Select all button not working (2599)
      • Download translations from IE CMS (2630)
      • Cannot add commercial properties to baskets (2634)

Hot Fixes:

      • Property details API issue with agency image (2614)
      • Kyero feeds in NH agency giving error  (2613)
      • PDF for projects for YS website - make it available for all lang + fix issue with images and icons (2621)
      • EDIT property types only for ADMIN role (2624)
      • EDIT residential property fails (2627)
      • ADD location commondata fails (2626)
      • Issue in PDF while download from API (2631)
      • NH agency - xml feed blocked giving error (2637)

1.1.13 (28-MAR-2022)

New Features:

      • Residential - Plot type1 show pool and parking features tabs (2563)
      • API key for agency details for ImmoMarket (2604)
      • IDUFIR/CRU, Finca number and Property register fields in commercial module(2590)
      • Account profile for commercial; properties (2605)


      • Countries, regions, provinces, cities, locations - Select all button not working (2599)
      • Cities in Romania (2598)
      • Again issues with ical - ZP-7586 (2602)
      • Repeated tasks not displayed in Dashboard "My schedule" widget (2577)
      • New nodes in CBRAI feed (2307)
      • JV-7587 ticket - issue when searching by owner home phone nr (2603)
      • RO locations file to upload (2606)

1.1.12 (21-MAR-2022)

New Features:

      • Url structure logic for property details pages on website (2585)
      • Account objects profile (2592)


      • Remove all the external descriptions in all languages in all properties in LAS agency (LAS-7580)
      • Login popup screen blocking session on tablets etc (2327)
      • Idealista json "featuresPool" (2549)
      • Web socket error upon create Account (2386)
      • EAS export links to documents linked to properties (2552)
      • New nodes in CBRAI feed (2307)

Hot Fixes:

      • IE issue with images in home + about us pages (2589)
      • Add Account/Owner ID in export files (2594)
      • Values in dropdown comm features missing  (2595)
      • Bookings contract console errors  (2597)
      • JV website - issue with filter Modern  (2596)
      • Legal Status not stored in table  (2600)

1.1.11 (14-MAR-2022)

New Features:

      • Moorings APIs (search and view) add Location/Location group (2583)
      • Missing commercial functions to implement (2487)
      • New field for property private info (ZP-7570) (2572)
      • Comment field for long term rental contracts (ZP-7564) (2571)
      • Moorings search API - Available for (2581)
      • View property API - include agency logo (2586)
      • Reports: holiday rental external & internal (ZP-7511) (2570)
      • Commercial - Fields to display in Characteristics, Main tab according to type 1 selected (2551)


      • Remove all the external descriptions in all languages in all properties in LAS agency (LAS-7580)
      • Login popup screen blocking session on tablets etc (2327)
      • Idealista json "featuresPool" (2549)
      • Web socket error upon create Account (2386)
      • EAS export links to documents linked to properties (2552)
      • New nodes in CBRAI feed (2307)

Hot Fixes:

      • Agency users screen issue (2582)

1.1.10 (7-MAR-2022)

New Features:

      • New xml feed for "Blocket" portal (2525)
      • New mooring module - Search on website (2419)
      • Mooring view API (2575)
      • Moorings module - Add location field (2576)
      • API for search agency data (2541)
      • Exempt condition change + and Energy certificate ID (2574)


      • Features tab not displayed in some property types (both residential and commercial) (2542)
      • API issue for IC website (2560)
      • Rent tab - Extras sub tab not displayed (2559)
      • Terminate a user session manually (2562)
      • Auction tab updates & new table (2555)
      • Add XML Feed for agency 'GH COSTA BLANCA' (JV-7460) (2567)
      • Add XML Feed for 'Cresmarta' (JV-7552) (2568)
      • Issues with IE PDF template 35 (2561)
      • Display options based on Types 1 - missing rentals (2573)
      • First property image in CRM not display (2564)
      • Issues in commercial properties (2523)

Hot Fixes:

      • Kyero feed - External description/title (2483)
      • EAS export links to documents linked to properties (2552)
      • EAS export links for Account & Owner documents (2566)

1.1.9 (28-FEB-2022)

New Features:

      • New xml feed (based on Kyero format) for "Blocket" portal (2525)


      • Field Partitioning (commercial properties in Romania) - Add"Lux" option in the dropdown (2554)
      • ical issue (ZP-7551) (2519)
      • Image labels issue (2556)
      • CLL agency (Capanes) - Updates in CMS custom fields and SEO data not saved (2553)
      • Rental seasons from other agencies displayed (2558)

1.1.8 (21-FEB-2022)

New Features:

      • Icons for MLS sharing (2536)
      • Add new currency RON (2545)


      • Properties API  (2477)
      • User setting Properties GRID fails (2498)
      • Thumbnails links 3 - DE description missing (2533)
      • MLS count & search errors (2514)
      • PDF downloaded from IE website - Features not translated in EN (2538)
      • Translation key fails (2520)
      • Commercial - Cannot create types 2 under Commercial space type1 (2532)
      • PDF templates - Private garden (2507)
      • Kyero feed in MP has error (2540)
      • Issue with wrong holiday rent price calculation in IC dev site (2539)
      • Hide inactive elements (2496)
      • Commercial properties - Add new field when property is in Romania (2546)

Hot Fixes:

      • UP feed broken  (2534)
      • Auction provider value not saved in property (2535)
      • Commercial Search bar format issue (2537)
      • Dashboard display & filter wrong (quick update) (2543)

1.1.7 (14-FEB-2022)

New Features:

      • LOB imports (2499)
      • API calendar for IC website (2497)


      • MLS sharing issues related to Red SP (2527)

Hot Fixes:

      • Cannot create residential property (2522)
      • Assigned_to csv import issue (2515)
      • Rental contracts - Rented until date issue (2518)
      • Features disappearing after Save and Close property (2521)

1.1.6 (7-FEB-2022)


      • Bookings - Final payment amount not saved (2391)
      • Idealista json feed issue (2513)
      • Rental contracts Support Ticket (ZP-7550) (2511)
      • Rental contracts errors (2509)
      • Location group categories for LOB&LHI website (2505)
      • Geography updates (2420)

Hot Fixes:

      • Rental contract issues (2508)
      • Rental contracts - Rented until date issue (2518)
      • MLS count & search errors (2514)

1.1.5 (31-JAN-2022)

New Features:

      • Agency expiration (2490)
      • Download doc open in new tab (2491)
      • Commercial Auction updates (2464)
      • Commercial module updates (2485)


      • Thumbnails and url structure (2445)
      • Rightmove feed issue (2492)
      • Google address Netherlands regions not recognised (2469)
      • Commercial relevant property issues (PRINT) (2471)
      • Commercial module - updates required (2461)
      • Archived objects operations not working (2501)

Hot Fixes:

      • FAQ GROUP cannot be added (doesn't save) (2489)
      • Issues with virtual tours (2317)
      • Error creating Company (2500)

1.1.4 (24-JAN-2022)

New Features:

      • Commercial Auction updates (2464)
      • Commercial module - various updates (2461)


      • LOB csv accounts file to upload (2473)
      • Featured properties issue (2475)
      • Reset password: email must not be case sensitive (2480)
      • Commercial relevant property issues (PRINT) (2471)

1.1.3 (17-JAN-2022)

New Features:

      • View Property: hide fields without values (2470)


      • Commercial - Transaction Transfer (2474)
      • Some issues in Comm property (2466)
      • Commercial module (Property overview and expansion) (2432)

1.1.2 (10-JAN-2022)

New Features:

      • Editing screen in popup (2457)


      • Demo issues: Relevant properties popup (2459)
      • Commercial module - Updates in properties not saved (2462)


      • Wrong LT rental price calculation (2467)

1.1.1 (03-JAN-2022)

New Features:

      • Residential Features into Commercial Features (2452)
      • "Property default shown on" field in agency settings (2382)
      • Accounts duplication validation Agency / Office (2385)


      • UP agency - Thumbnails links not working (2423)
      • Open URL issue in JV agency (2442)
      • Frontend Accounts Offices issue (2456)
      • Thinkspain - Spanish email scraping (2453)
      • Demo issues: Relevant properties popup (2459)


      • Property becomes Featured without intention (2454)
      • Global search not working (2458)

1.0.14 (27-DEC-2021)

New Features:

      • Comm types issues (2451)
      • Merge residential property types to commercial type (2444)


      • Facebook XML country warning (2448)
      • Create Office: duplications of offices added (2437)


      • PB agency- Import Kyero feed (2434)
      • Kyero feed Gilmar for PB agency (2436)


      • Users not visible to Agency Admin (IM) (2438)

1.0.13 (20-DEC-2021)

New Features:

      • Agency settings - Add a new Map web options (2374)


      • UP agency - Thumbnails links not working (2423)
      • Issue with shortcodes (2413)
      • Missing shortcodes for residential and commercial properties (2414)
      • Issue with shortcodes [rental_contracts attribute=rented_from] and [rental_contracts attribute=rented_to] (2413)
      • Bedrooms- Bathrooms- Toilets > make them text fields (2427)
      • Commercial types - Parent type not shown at times (2426)
      • Kyero extended xml feed - Update feature names (2431)


      • Consistent error saving task (non-blocking error) (2421)
      • Financial data not saving (not showing once saved) in account (2425)
      • PB agency- Import Kyero feed adaptations (2434)

1.0.12 (13-DEC-2021)

New Features:

      • Hyperlink to property on website via reference (View Module) (2417)
      • Pagination - go to top of page (2411)


      • ZP WC template 36 updates (2381)


      • Save task in calendar slow due to increase of history items being saved (2422)

1.0.11 (6-DEC-2021)

New Features:

      • New nodes in CBRAI feed (2307)


      • Base20 website - Issue with properties belonging to a new construction project (2364)
      • ZP WC template 36 updates (2381)
      • Further issues with moorings (2372)
      • Dezabonare word in RO in GDPR text - Add hyperlink (2410)
      • Issues with sequences (2393)
      • GDPR Unsubscribe - Add in Romanian (2389)


      • Imported property - Type 1 impacting Features (2408)
      • Security breach - Agent roles accessing contact info (2416)
      • Properties set to archived in UP (2383)

1.0.10 (29-NOV-2021)

New Features:

      • Account and owner statuses translation not shown (2404)
      • GDPR text not added in emails sent from owners screen (2387)
      • Commercial properties shortcode for rent title and description (2347)


      • Email notification not sent anymore when new account assigned to a user (2399)
      • Send WC by email not working (2276)
      • Crons Mail server (264)
      • Cron job issue not adding GDPR text in email alert (2379)
      • Commercial interested properties fail (2368)
      • Send WC by email not working (2276)
      • Errors and long response times email account TL (2373)


      • AP agency - Cannot search account by phone number (2398)
      • RO auto-agency & user creation - follow-up items (2396)
      • RO agency creation on LIVE (2402)
      • Agency deletion (2401)
      • RO language add Fix (Duplication Key Error while adding)

1.0.9 (22-NOV-2021)

New Features:

      • MLS properties should not to be shared (2291)
      • Facebook properties export issues New Export Format (2331)
      • New API specifications for Idealista portal (2216)
      • Auto-creation Agency + User Romania (2316)


      • Hide email alert switch (2362)
      • Query speed properties MYT (2195)


      • Sending issue error (gmail etc) (2384)
      • Mail Server Optimization (2390)
      • MLS SLOW Issue (2377)

1.0.8 (15-NOV-2021)

New Features:

      • Auto-creation Agency + User Romania (2316)


      • Fixes for duplication popup showing without proper cause (2334)
      • Accounts DELETION and INACTIVATION issue (2371)


      • API issue for Apollons website (2367)
      • CRM ticket ZP-7492 - wrong LT rental monthly payments (2363)

1.0.7 (08-NOV-2021)

New Features:

      • Province API for FrontEnd Sites updated to allow all country provinces
      • Show popup before duplicating the property (2334)
      • Email alert - Unsubscribe logic (2304)


      • Account source must not be updated every time there is a new enquiry from portals (2354)
      • Type 2 selection fails (2366)
      • Ticket statuses not translated (2348)
      • User performance report - review (2258)
      • Review all existing Crons to Filter Extra ones (2314)


      • CMS - when i update post type name no more content shown (2357)
      • Email alert question (2359)
      • Cannot create offers (2355)
      • Kyero Import Support Ticket
      • ImmoVario - 1 of 2 formats not scraping (2361)

1.0.6 (01-NOV-2021)

New Features:

      • Kyero feed - New feature nodes to map (2312)


      • ZP - Full payment missing in booking payment popup (2340)
      • Email alert - Send only properties with status Available + Under offer (2345)
      • Remove Archived Companies in Property Search 'Agency' field (2303)
      • Mooring search by reference not working (2341)
      • Few more issues with moorings csv import (2337)


      • UP website - MLS leads have no property of interest (2346)
      • Copy code from zariko website (2351)
      • IC website - Leads from website when account already exists in CRM (2353)
      • ZP CMS Settings Issue (2358)
      • Kyero enquiries - issue with property references (2356)
      • Invoice generation 502 error (2339)

1.0.5 (25-OCT-2021)

New Features:

      • Create shortcode for assigned to agent user ID (2308)
      • Download WC set up as landscape by default (2311)
      • Boats - List and grid view (1942)
      • Recurring invoicing (2338)


      • Gmail email synch in CRM - Attachments not included in email sent from CRM (2320)
      • Logout after rental tabs (new UI) (2343)
      • Payment of < 1€ on invoice not possible (2294)
      • Rental Properties UI Optimization (2332)


      • CBW-7477 change import xml (2344)
      • Invoice generation 502 error (2339)
      • Estimation: time to map new nodes in CBRAI feed (2307)

1.0.4 (18-OCT-2021)

New Features:

      • New portal - incoming email scraping (OfferPal) (2310)
      • Add shortcodes for commercial properties in PDF templates (2336)
      • Static WC updates (2174)


      • Send WC by email not working (2276)
      • Thumbnails links in IE giving error (because EN and NL slugs are different) (2295)
      • IE WC issues (2290)
      • Issues with shortcodes for commercial properties (2281)
      • Booking overview updates (2125)
      • Properties on Map (2278)
      • Login page build optimization (2329)
      • Rental Properties UI Optimization (2332)


      • Missing data (SP-7471)
      • Remove customer keys in site (2328)
      • Property update Access Changed
      • User can update property belong to its Agency as well as its feed_system props
      • Invoice no longer showing LOGO (2322)

1.0.3 (11-OCT-2021)

New Features:

      • Upgrade Node version for Angular (2321)
      • Thumbnails links for commercial properties (2280)
      • Properties on Map (2278)
      • Booking overview updates (2125)


      • Mooring csv import not working (2214)
      • Thumbnails links three - NL rental description not shown (2315)
      • PGeolocation API error (2318)
      • Accounts - account holder (financials tab) (2268)
      • Static WC updates (2174)


      • ZP - Bookings of ref. R99 keep spinning (2323)
      • Change Properties query filter parking and pool to have AND instead of OR (2324)

1.0.2 (01-OCT-2021)

New Features:

      • Create API for map search for IC (2277)
      • Kyero feed - Add video node (2301)
      • Thumbnails images for new WC templates (2302)
      • Exporter - Property counter and filters update (2297)


      • Owner's dropdown Fixes for Creating Tour (2265)
      • Build Optimization - Master Data Module (2296)

1.0.1 (27-SEP-2021)

New Features:

      • Dev Build optimization - Fuse SCSS import issue (2289)


    • Email alert not working on property update Fixed (2272)