Release Notes

Lo sviluppo di Optima-CRM segue una strategia di rilascio settimanale, in base alla quale ogni lunedì gli aggiornamenti testati con successo e le nuove funzionalità vengono migrate nell'ambiente live e rilasciate alla comunità degli utenti. Le note di rilascio forniscono dettagli sugli aggiornamenti e sono un primo riferimento per informazioni su novità, correzioni di bug e un indice degli elementi aggiornati che possono essere ricondotti agli effettivi oggetti di sviluppo. Il numero del caso è indicato tra parentesi con ogni elemento.

Cronologia delle note di rilascio di Optima-CRM per data più recente:

1.3.44 (22-Jul-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • CRM upgrade issues (4027)
      • ZP-8615 missing short codes email templates (4105)
      • Booking source = Website: API booking creation (4107)
      • New filter Objects search for non-Projects properties for Sale (4103)
      • New PDF template (shared data) object (4099)

Bug Fixes:

      • Fix Traffic Light Colors for Imported Properties in Support-SV (4101)
      • CMS translations failing (4102)
      • Search all invoices from a company fails (4104)
      • CMS - Categories - ADD fails (4110)
      • Export to portals menu console errors (4106)
      • Accounts Alerts for Object - nightly email cron (4109)

1.3.43 (08-Jul-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • New Scraping of email Lead portal cocampo (4092)
      • CMS - restoring deleted items for Support- user (4030)
      • Idealista Lodging/Hotel type (4097)
      • Idealista - naming of images (3645)
      • Duplicate LP CMS from ERA to LHI (4098)

Bug Fixes:

      • Missing fields in Accounts export & import CSV (4092)
      • CSV import of location not updating the count to generate the latest key for location (4089)
      • Take rental price into account for PRICE check traffic lights (4100)

1.3.42 (01-Jul-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Rightmove: update mapping for Hotel (4091)
      • Export Optima-CRM JSON format by statuses (4093)

Bug Fixes:

      • Polish ISO code wrong preventing Google Translations to POL (4087)
      • Security Deposit Not Auto-Populated in CRM for API Based Bookings (4084)
      • Import issue - no directory for images created (RE-8597) (4083)
      • Type 1 = 92 in ES (4086)
      • Todospisos portal ZP-8601 (4085)
      • Delete Archived Objects fails (4088)

1.3.41 (24-Jun-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • Import issue - no directory for images created (RE-8597) (4083)
      • Todospisos portal ZP-8601 (4085)
      • Remove duplicate Contracts tab in Rental Booking (4047)

1.3.40 (20-Jun-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Accounts Advanced Search - 2 minor updates - CV-8578 (4076)

Bug Fixes:

      • Email attachment not included/not working from CRM - CV-8588 (4075)
      • Account Secondary Mobile phone error and on DEV3 ternary operator error (4079)
      • Request Daxit (4078)
      • Pure Ibiza Kyero export error (4080)
      • Sin Visitas - API import properties (4077)
      • Failing exports (4067)
      • Drag & drop short code in contract template fails (4072)

1.3.39 (10-Jun-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • JV import - all properties unavailable (4068)
      • ALL relevant properties not showing ALL (4071)
      • Fotocasa - withdrawn properties still live (4069)
      • Document types always in EN instead of user language (4070)
      • Profile filter lost in selection by clicing Own / Not Own (4073)
      • Accounts search issues (4074)
      • Export/Import issues JV to NS (3944)

1.3.38 (3-Jun-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Search form follow up on #4041 (4058)

Bug Fixes:

      • Object Type Estate: features not shown - ZP-8559 (4062)
      • Generate contract PDF fails (4064)
      • LT rent profile vs object mapping - relevant properties (4063)
      • Map selection in Object search disappears (4065)
      • Upload image to Support-ticket fails & images of property ref. 545472 have disappeared - JV-8564 (4066)
      • Incoming MLS - MLS settings for web (4048)
      • MLS & Red SP inconsistencies (4012)

1.3.37 (27-May-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Indomnio email scraping to account (SSL-8529) (4049)
      • Objects search form updates (4041)
      • Export format for Mers and Demeurs: use Kyero (4059)

Bug Fixes:

      • Navigating Objects list must go to TOP of page (4057)
      • Export/Import issues JV to NS (3944)
      • Address Special Characters and Validation Errors in Kyero (4060)
      • Object Type Estate: features not shown - ZP-8559 (4062)
      • Upload image in Company - agency tab fails (4044)
      • Duplicated phone validation loop (4061)

1.3.36 (20-May-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • (JV-8478) Import issues (4050)
      • Check Object search filters (e.g. Built size from/to) + others (4056)
      • Add to portals from Objects not adding to basket (4054)
      • Features - quantity of kitchen visibility (4055)
      • Fotocasa export & active property count baskets (ZP-8528) (4053)

1.3.35 (13-May-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Common extras - language maintenance (4046)

Bug Fixes:

      • General search in Objects-only agency opened Residential details (JV-8521) (4039)
      • (SSL-8522) XML FEED ERRORS WITH IMAGES (4042)
      • Objects search Bookmarks (4035)
      • Sun Sea Life-agency issues (4029)
      • Offers page: Create from & Create to keys failing to translate (4043)
      • Offer: hide Object/Residential (4045)
      • Red SP XML imports - deduplication properties & Townhouse mapping residential imports (4036)
      • ZP-7687 Tour dashboard doesn't have a 'completed' option (4040)
      • API for private area: filter issues (4051)
      • Object not showing in Edit Viewing (4052)
      • Account not creating using with different mobile number (4037)

1.3.34 (06-May-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • ChatGPT integration (3979)
      • Add new currency IDR + ID language (4031)
      • Notifications in Objects Module (3687)

Bug Fixes:

      • Hide selector Residential/Objects in SALES for Objects module users (4028)
      • Invoice lock fails - console errors (4033)
      • Objects not loading in lease contract (4032)
      • Cadastral number validation error (4038)

1.3.33 (29-April-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • Sources selected corrupted after search (4026)
      • Invoice download to AWS Support-VG hangs (4024)
      • Red SP - title assembly not correct (3983)

1.3.32 (22-April-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Add PDF export to existing Accounts report - Pure Ibiza 8457 (4006)
      • Add identifier to Fotocasa API export (3930)
      • Upload images fails in objects (4019)

Bug Fixes:

      • Export Companies: no export file generated (4018)
      • PDF download from mobile - CRM 8454 (4013)
      • Red SP - title assembly not correct (3983)
      • Idealista mapping still wrong for Villa (150) & Detached Villa (204) (4021)
      • JV - objects with Offices & cannot save (4022)
      • LO-8485 Import CSV doesn't update the contact's data (4020)

1.3.31 (15-April-2024)

Because of the Eid holidays, this release only had two working days, resulting in the closure of only one ticket.

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Add search filter in Archived Accounts (4017)

1.3.30 (08-April-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • API update (Bhavik's request) for Zariko update (4015)
      • Add to Exporter Optima-CRM JSON export format (3886)

Bug Fixes:

      • Relevant properties interested-rejected (4014)
      • Idealista exports ZP-8393 and ZP-8392 (3957)
      • Offers and sales for Moorings and Boats (3971))
      • Object - city 'Petang' (Bali) (4016)

1.3.29 (01-April-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Red SP Kyero import mapping (4000)
      • Le Figaro - add Source 'figaro' to incoming leads (4003)
      • Adding logs for web API (4009)

Bug Fixes:

      • Export Companies Timeline 404 error (4007)
      • Export Accounts memory issue - optimise API (4008)
      • Exporter property count from MLS incoming properties + Kyero Extended format updates (4005)
      • CRON channel reported issue (4010)
      • Optima channel reported issue (4011)

1.3.28 (25-Mar-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • Owners board - error after CSV import from JV to NS (3986)
      • Casafari API calls (3995)
      • CMS Cron Copy Issue and Loading Hang-Up on CMS Setting Page (3998)
      • Images not saving from user profile (3996)
      • PDF downloads images not loading (4002)
      • Idealista ref scraping (4001)
      • Sequences issues - cron & dates (3999)

1.3.27 (18-Mar-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • New portal email scraping - HousingAnywhere (3910)
      • 'Pool' missing in Commercial accounts profile - ZP-8425 (3990)
      • Add Object price change to Timeline (CV-8320) (3901)
      • Recommended sort API HHI-8430 (3988)

Bug Fixes:

      • Message queue - whitelisting + CRM access (3993)
      • LAT/LONG map coordinates in VIEW object wrong - CV-8401 (3967)
      • Kyero - Idealista VIDEO nodes - CV-8365 (3933)
      • Project & Object created from Project (3946)
      • Fotocasa double entries sent through API (3997)
      • Idealista exports ZP-8393 and ZP-8392 (3957)

1.3.26 (11-Mar-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • Leads from Thinkspain are not scraped to Account (ZP-8414) (3977)
      • Image not displaying in PDF download via API - IE-8405 (3981)
      • Kyero email enquiries not creating Accounts (3982)
      • ZP-8416 Issues creating tasks from calendar (3980)
      • Tags on custom PDF JV appear in EN + ES - JV-8415 (3978)
      • Booking details disappear from calendar view ZP-8370 (3984)
      • Facebook scraping update (add nodes) (3961)
      • Set properties as 'featured' (3949)
      • Pure Ibiza - Featured properties issue (-8371) (3945)
      • Default view (accounts/owners/properties) (3989)
      • Reports: Manager Role in Master Office to access offices - LO-8419 (3987)
      • Reactivate Kyero (ES) Format in the exporter (3991)
      • Idealista json format issue (3992)
      • Owners 'properties' & 'objects' must be shown according to Modules settings (3985)
      • ZP-7535 Add automatic title and data to emails (3909)

1.3.25 (04-Mar-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Facebook scraping update (add nodes) (3961)
      • Objects not yet active in Urbanisations module - CV-8375 (3948)
      • Urbanisations Residential data to Objects (3976)

Bug Fixes:

      • Objects - Accounts issue (3965)
      • Kyero Import for Gestalihome - GH (3962)
      • Meeting dates jump 7 days - ZP-8408 (3972)
      • RedSP XML import failing (3973
      • Board titles not storing (3968)
      • LAT/LONG map coordinates in VIEW object wrong - CV-8401 (3967)
      • Hide irrelevant tabs per module (3969)
      • Idealista leads no longer being created - JV-8409 (3974)
      • Default sort order Outgoing Invoices (3890)
      • Objects - Accounts and Exporting issues (3970)
      • Visits PDF not yet linked in Accounts board (3975)
      • Export/Import issues JV to NS (3944)

1.3.24 (26-Feb-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • Object VIEW: address not showing (3958)
      • Memory error edit CRM user in Europrestige (3953)
      • Bulk update accounts in error (3960)
      • Le Figaro export issues (3937)
      • Download PDF API error (3947)
      • Sales properties appear in Rental calendar (3963)
      • Idealista exports ZP-8393 and ZP-8392 (3957)
      • JV Kyero import VAPF issues (3943)
      • Kyero export from Objects issue with type_one node (3964)
      • Create meeting start time skips to end time + viewing time validation issue removing 1 viewing in array (3966)
      • Kyero Import for Gestalihome - GH (3962)
      • Kyero - Idealista VIDEO nodes - CV-8365 (3933)

1.3.23 (19-Feb-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • CRM ticket list updates (3902)
      • Short term rental 'per year' (3938)
      • API: check CITIES that have at least 1 available object set for web (3952)
      • Idealista portal notification (3959)

Bug Fixes:

      • Kyero - Idealista VIDEO nodes - CV-8365 (3933)
      • Database optimization (3931)
      • Emailing PDF from fails (3923)
      • MLS properties not showing between agencies with identical parameters (3934)
      • Project & Object created from Project (3946)
      • Muehl WC PDF layout (Objects) (3939)
      • Casafari property updates must update CRM properties (3951)
      • Date / time validation error (3955)
      • Video link activation switches not saving to DB (3952)

1.3.22 (12-Feb-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • JV-7893 Owners distribution list issues (3911)
      • Unhide 2 menu items for incoming MLS properties (3941)

Bug Fixes:

      • Error adding notes to timeline CBW-8368 (3935)
      • CBRAI conditional imports (3928)
      • WC (objects) not getting values via short codes in HV agency (3940)
      • Regarding ZP-7660 Rental and cleaning booking issues (3925)
      • Bulk update CRON add to MLS not working (3942)
      • MLS properties not showing between agencies with identical parameters (3934)
      • IC-7629 Copy video info to all languages (3908)

1.3.21 (05-Feb-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • IC-7629 Copy video info to all languages (3908)
      • ZP-7652 Creation meeting: propose end time to be start time +1h (3913)

Bug Fixes:

      • Owners issues (3897)
      • IE Idealista export issues (3920)
      • CV-8330 - show cadastral info in Plot (type 1 = 147) (3916)
      • Missing logo in PDF template 379 (3924)
      • Location group API sending no response (3926)
      • Console errors (3903)
      • Default sort order Outgoing Invoices (3890)
      • Scheduled daily recurring not creating on 1st recurring day (3876)
      • Casafari API longitude/latitude (3927)
      • Casafari API import invalid location mapping (3936)
      • IC location groups corrupted - IC-8356 (3929)
      • Add mapping Commercial Space (Objects) to Idealista API - ZP-8361 (3932)
      • RO cron (ASBO) not importing properties from 24/1 (3922)

1.3.20 (29-Jan-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • JV-7978 Update logo in static custom card (3912)

Bug Fixes:

      • API Issue with Page-by-Slug Response (Language Compatibility (3905)
      • API Issue - Office filter not working for properties (3914)
      • United Real Estate import xml (residential) ZP-8261 (3921)
      • API update (see Bhavik on Slack 18/1) (3900)

Hot Fixes:

      • RO new construction API update - ASBO-8246 (3855)
      • MLS default 'show on web' not working (3887)
      • Object PDF export HHI - blank PDF (HHI-8327) (3904)
      • CV-8335 - ERROR Operator 'IN' requires two operands (3907)
      • Export to Idealista - CV-8315 (3899)
      • CBRAI import (IC): residential logic not applied in Objects (3898)
      • Objects-only module: remove Residential button (3915)
      • Email PDF from Object not possible - console errors (3918)
      • 0 relevant properties when 7200+ should be shown (3919)
      • ZP-7660 Rental and cleaning booking issues (3917)

1.3.19 (22-Jan-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Rental payments are not displayed (HHI) + RENTALS updates (3835)

Bug Fixes:

      • RO Property Appears on HHI Website Despite Not Being in the Agency (3896)
      • Facebook Market Place property export (3895)
      • JV-8231 - Idealista scraping went wrong (3857)

Hot Fixes:

      • Office authorzation and logo/contact info (2981)
      • Location group - cities field update (3888)
      • ZP-8302 - Owner Timeline still on Residential (3893)
      • API for IM user returns no result (3894)
      • Pagination Objects fails with search filter (3885)
      • CALCULATE booking price ZP-8297 (3889)
      • IE-8291 - overlapping booking dates issue (3882)

1.3.18 (15-Jan-2024)

Bug Fixes:

      • Country changes from spain to USA every night (3877)
      • API Encounters Trouble Fetching Virtual Tour Properties (3880)
      • Translation issue 'Add Offer' (3883)

Hot Fixes:

      • Discount/surcharge in booking wrong calculation ZP-8276 (3875)
      • HHI (8285) - update own manually created object: duplication (3879)
      • Console error at login support-cll2 (3881)
      • IE-8291 - overlapping booking dates issue (3882)
      • Heat map fails for website data using Objects (3884)
      • CALCULATE booking price ZP-8297 (3889)
      • Open URL (JV) in all languages: only works in EN (3891)
      • Kyero GEO feed issues (ZP-8305) (3892)

1.3.17 (08-Jan-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Viewing sheet: PDF template with short codes (1742)
      • Update API documentation (3596)
      • Search by (part of) rental license number ZP-8280 (3878)
      • Updation in Kyero Import for Objects (3873)
      • Outgoing invoices updates (3646)

Bug Fixes:

      • RO feed filter display conditions (3870)
      • Idealista email scraping JV-8197 (3804)
      • Search accounts with/without accents (3673)
      • Red SP sharing count for General Feeds (zone 1 and 2) (3756)
      • Import cron breaks (Apollons) (3710)
      • Reporting -> can´t search by property reference (3838)

Hot Fixes:

      • Booking disappeared from calendar when updated (ZP-8276) (3874)
      • Invoicing dates miss with recurring invoices (3872)
      • Profile update not saving in IE (3828)

1.3.16 (01-Jan-2024)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Agency-Driven RO Property Visibility Control (3836)
      • Conditions to display 'Available for' (3697)

Bug Fixes:

      • Emailing issues (CV-8195) (3821)
      • Royal Estates Import fail (3868)
      • Contact info attached to Companies be exported (3867)

Hot Fixes:

      • Exporter issues after sync baskets (3866)
      • Type 1 Office: LT rentals option hidden (3865)
      • ST rental price fails to show in Objects list & expansion (3869)
      • Download companies again not working (3863)
      • CV account to be restored & reimported (3864)
      • Remove all properties from a basket (3858)
      • Account's xls exports not working for non-residential profile fields (3856)

1.3.15 (26-Dec-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Show field 'Built' for type 1 = plot (147) (3859)

Bug Fixes:

      • Lead email Idealista no longer in Timeline (3818)
      • Type one mismatch in Red SP for Zariko (3852)

Hot Fixes:

      • Sync Baskets content from Residential to Commercial (3841)
      • RO 'la cala' mapped incorrectly - ASBO-8224 (3842)
      • FB lead not scraped into CRM lead for Loemas (LO-8227) (3843)
      • ADVANCED SEARCH on budget always 0 results (3847)
      • Relevant object shows wrong properties (type 1) (3850)
      • FB email scraping - add filed for offices (optional parameter) (3851)
      • ZP-8179 - WC in 3 languages (3862)
      • Type 1 Office: LT rentals option hidden (3865)
      • Kyero feed error IC-8252 (3860)
      • Static WC to be working and available in Objects (3853)
      • IE cannot save property (3861)
      • Blocked bookings not on calendar and available in API (3849)
      • Idealista Property Type mismatch (3784)
      • Location group (3839)
      • No linked content under the icon Interested (CV-8236) (3846)
      • Email Account assigned to user is not working (3760)
      • Next contact date disappeared in Commercial Profile accounts CV-8237 (3848)

1.3.14 (18-Dec-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • IC - Residential-objects discrepancies (3620)
      • Setup centralized Redis cache (3808)

Hot Fixes:

      • Update the categories in Properties API (3830)
      • API update for Cities (Bhavik´s request) (3831)
      • Window Card (static) 33 - price is not displayed (3837)
      • Le Figaro export - check & update (IC) (3827)
      • Sync Baskets content from Residential to Commercial (3841)
      • Royal Estates xml Import issue (RE-8204) (3822)
      • Residential feed Europrestige Kyero format in error (3844)
      • Tasks are not displayed on the Dasboard (HHI) (3840)
      • Search is not working correctly ZP-8226 (3845)
      • Objects overwritten with residential data (3813)
      • Accounts Timeline is empty (3833)

1.3.13 (11-Dec-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • Lead email Idealista no longer in Timeline (3818)
      • Duplicate "Cleaning" tab in CRM rental Property (3824)

Hot Fixes:

      • WC(Static) not showing Price (IE-8196) (3801)
      • Web enquiry doesn´t save interested property in CRM (3826)
      • WC (static 36) issues (ZP-8179) (3787)
      • iCal creates identical bookings on one property IE (3823)
      • ZP-8206 - deleting the XML imported Red SP properties in ZP (3825)
      • Countries switch on/off issue (3811)
      • ZP-8191 - Zariko Residential cron is still overwriting Objects (3805)

1.3.12 (04-Dec-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • API returns location if there is any property exists on that location for Objects (3816)

Bug Fixes:

      • Problems with URLs in Objects API causing incorrect links in Ad Agency (3814)

Hot Fixes:

      • IE- CRM user residential Module is on (3820)
      • Casafari Images issue (3819)
      • IE rental properties not in Booking Calendar (IE-8205) (3817)
      • IE 'Open URL' not showing in Objects (3815)
      • Viewing tour: doesn´t show account´s names (3812)
      • Switch on/off property types is missing (MIM) (3809)

1.3.11 (28-Nov-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Climate control field (3807)
      • Agent user role - should not see owner info (3780)

Bug Fixes:

      • Account profile - following 3788 (3792)
      • XMLS shared properties must not b editable by a receiving agency in any view (3803)
      • Countries switch on/off issue (3811)
      • Console errors at login MY (3798)
      • WC(Static) not showing Price (IE-8196) (3801)
      • API update map drawing (for Daxit) (3796)
      • Mass update Owners is hanging (3782)
      • Object default sort order non-CRM reference (3794)
      • JV Kyero cron failed (3802)

Hot Fixes:

      • Comm WC 36 (specific for Zariko) - ZP-8063 (3733)
      • WC (static 36) issues (ZP-8179) (3787)
      • Problems with calendars (JV-8181) (3789)
      • AD-8183 - property 567863 saving bedrooms/bathrooms fails (3790)
      • Incorrect Lead/Account Generated by Ad Agency (3793)
      • Bars/restuarant / Retail / ...? no features shown (3800)

1.3.10 (20-Nov-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Booking source missing (3rd party commission %) (3749)

Bug Fixes:

      • Export/import contacts from Company (3785)
      • Error in Updating Account Created via Booking API (3783)
      • RO images broken sometimes during import (3791)
      • Agency error message (3739)
      • PDF template 34 issue while downloading through API (3799)

Hot Fixes:

      • Comm WC 36 (specific for Zariko) - ZP-8063 (3733)
      • WC (static 36) issues (ZP-8179) (3787)
      • Problems with calendars (JV-8181) (3789)
      • AD-8183 - property 567863 saving bedrooms/bathrooms fails (3790)
      • Incorrect Lead/Account Generated by Ad Agency (3793)
      • Bars/restuarant / Retail / ...? no features shown (3800)

1.3.9 (13-Nov-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • Work orders Invalid Time/Date (ZP-8173) (3781)
      • Print/Email object issue (3772)
      • Resales Online API cron missing images to create a Slack CRON channel msg upon failing (3770)
      • No sync residential-commercial (3754)
      • Wrong source for James Edition scraped emails (original: #1455) (3774)
      • Copy Audit of all Residential to Object (3786)

Hot Fixes:

      • At creation of booking via API price is wrong (ZP-8170) (3778)
      • Tasks are not displayed Account´s timeline (3752)
      • Print/email object scrum board issue (AD-8158) (3777)
      • DE portal Immowelt specs (3173)
      • CSV export issue (CBW-8167) (3773)
      • New Activities are not showing in Calendar (3779)
      • Mailing issue (ZP-8165) (3771)
      • JV - Private info tab Residential (3776)
      • Account prfile -> some Features values are missing (3775)
      • ZP-Booking Status Issue (following 3675) (3737)

1.3.8 (06-Nov-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • Owner in Commercial (Objects) are not saved from API (3766)
      • Issue when select object location on the map (3744)

Hot Fixes:

      • (HHI) Email template is not in the list to select (3764)
      • API viewing tour - 1 update required (3765)
      • API issue for IE private area Objects (3748)
      • Update API E-197 related) (3767)
      • Bookings: follow-up points (3723)
      • Follow up 3760 - Object grid filters fail (3768)

1.3.7 (30-Oct-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • No sync residential-commercial (3754)

Bug Fixes:

      • Object GEO data completeness check wrong (3753)
      • New account creation: office is not saving (3755)
      • PDF template issue HHI (3759)
      • Contract template error (3762)
      • Deleted properties not to show in Interested Properties (3742)

Hot Fixes:

      • Casafari - missing images / duplicates / set to show on NONE (3741)
      • Ibiza Estates Residential to Objects WC's (static) ; #34 en #35 (3761)
      • Objects not in Objects grid (3763)
      • Again emailing relevant property not working (3751)
      • Features & other info disappearing in Objects (3577)
      • Idealista lead without property of interest & email on TL (3757)

1.3.6 (23-Oct-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • SIN VISITAS - Integrate SendGrid API in CRM for Contacts Export (3598)

Bug Fixes:

      • RO cron errors (3743)
      • Filtering by date and price excludes image attachments, while no filters include them (3736)
      • Czech system language translator not working (3745)

Hot Fixes:

      • Console error in Comm list (Zariko) (3734)
      • ZP-8112 - ical URL yii dump (3746)
      • Security deposit missing in Contract template (ZP-8135) (3738)
      • Comm WC 36 (specific for Zariko) - ZP-8063 (3733)
      • CV objects keep being synced with Residential (3750)
      • Booking prices (Daxit) (3747)
      • Idealista leads import issues (IE-8134) (3740)
      • Issue importing Contact CSV (LBV-8133) (3735)
      • Randomly features shown/not shown (3728)

1.3.5 (16-Oct-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • Resales Online agencies: Type 1 Objects dropdown (3705)
      • Link between Contacts & CRM user (3688)
      • Update in Bookings sub-statuses (ZP-8083)(ZP-8129) (3675)

Hot Fixes:

      • API time out (Bhavik) (3727)
      • Add Basket tab for Type1 = Plot (3729)
      • Support-AD - no URL's to objects (3730)
      • Deleting images or Objects must delete all images from images01 (3726)
      • Privadia import failing for IE (API) - IE-8126 (3731)
      • SIN VISTAS - updates to Message Queue (3629)
      • Manual access of MQ (Follow on of #3629) (3732)
      • Objects-related issues (3724)
      • CASAFARI API - import properties (3699)

1.3.4 (09-Oct-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • SIN VISTAS - updates to Message Queue (#3629)

Bug Fixes:

      • Housing Anywhere Export issue of Undefined index (3720)
      • Daxit request API update (3718)

Hot Fixes:

      • RED SP MLS to LPG: available for web (3721)
      • Add email to CRM user (Optima-hosted) fails (3712)
      • Archived bookings are visible in calendar (ZP-8121) (3722)
      • ZP-8116 - booking price calculation issues objects (3716)
      • Idealista 'lift' mapping error - ZP-8093 (3683)
      • Type 2 deleted yet still showing in Overview/List page (AD-8117) (3719)
      • Owner not on Object (ZP-8099) (3717)
      • CASAFARI API - import properties (3699)
      • API update for Bhavik 9.10 (3725)

1.3.3 (2-Oct-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Link between Contacts & CRM user (3688)
      • Allow objects search by Address (ZP-8078) (3679)

Bug Fixes:

      • An Issue in listing agency data in properties API (3714)
      • CBRAI import failed (3704)

Hot Fixes:

      • Le Figaro XML Residential = empty (IC) (3713)
      • ical URL empty for Objects (see ZP-8112) (3711)
      • Project or Resale condition (3709)
      • Object result list sorting resets parameters (3700)
      • Baerz (portal enquiries) account import/creation (3649)
      • Sentry issues Node JS (3658)
      • Objects list breaks in Projects list expansion (3707)
      • Update Resales Online Villa --> House / Detached house (3698)
      • Language CZ for content (system) adding fails (3715)

1.3.2 (25-Sep-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Commercial list Lightbox - resized images (3674)
      • SIN VISITAS - Enable export objects to Housing Anywhere portal (3624)
      • CBRAI: CRM to CBRAI Export (3701)

Bug Fixes:

      • API (commercial_type) optimization (3702)
      • Commercial_types api updation (3692)
      • Contract template not finding the owner details (ZP-8099) (3695)

Hot Fixes:

      • RO property type mappings incorrect - ASB-8079 (3689)
      • Resales Online status changes not reflected in CRM (3659)
      • API rentals (Daxit) (3682)
      • RED SP - no images (3693)
      • Viewing tour document "Download" not working (3696)

1.3.1 (19-Sep-2023)

New Features/ Change Request:

      • Update Owner field in Viewings (3672)

Bug Fixes:

      • Dasboard (My Schedule) date range filter doesn´t work (3671)
      • Contract template not finding the owner details (ZP-8099) (3695)

Hot Fixes:

      • Location groups updates not in Search updated (3686)
      • Agent Light: All properties (objects) authentication issue (3690)
      • Objects Grid Boards Issue (3684)
      • Deletion logs are all blank (3685)
      • Mix-up residential-commercial images links in WC's (3677)
      • Features & other info disappearing in Objects (3577)
      • Casafari import & object copies (3622)
      • Some to all RO images broken (3678)
      • Residential to Comm: apartment numbers not synced (3676)
      • Owner Contact info not displayed in Object View (3681)
      • No MAP shown in VIEW (Residential) (3680)
      • Accounts Grid Board issue (3661)
      • Static WC for Residential (Jetvillas) needs to be converted to Objects (copied & updated) (3669)
      • Wrong traffic light check (3691)
      • RO cron failure (3694)

1.2.52 (11-Sep-2023)

New Features:

      • CMS general settings (Sin Visitas) hanging (3662)

Bug Fixes:

      • Update API for unpublished (draft) blog posts (3668)
      • Rental period price doesn´t save more than 1 discount (ZP-8066) (3665)
      • Dropdown values in Company type must be alphabetical (JV-7995) (3664)
      • API update Daxit: @Daxit Zadafiya in location group, the issue is on creating the new account not on a update the account moreover ask to create the ticket in GitLab (3666)

Hot Fixes:

      • Resales Online status changes not reflected in CRM (3659)
      • Residential static WC 36: copy to Objects & update fields to commercial equivalents (3663)
      • Private info of residential not synced to Objects (ZP-8069) (3667)
      • Booking calendar Objects - migration from Residential (3654)
      • Baerz (portal enquiries) account import/creation (3649)
      • Auction docs from Shared (common data) to be in ALL agencies (3660)

1.2.51 (04-Sep-2023)

New Features:

      • SIN VISITAS - Enable export objects to Spot A Home portal (3623)
      • Idealista lead email format change (3652)

Bug Fixes:

      • current month season not available then property at the bottom when filtering for rental prices from high to low" as per discussion @Daxit Zadafiya (3643)
      • Booking API fails discounts (3657)
      • Incoming scraped email enquiry missing on Timeline in case of James Edition (JV-8047) (3625)
      • Failing to add object to an owner (ZP-8059) (3655)

Hot Fixes:

      • Zariko2 enquiry interested property incorrect property link in CRM (3644)
      • Status to re-activate de-activated user (3642)
      • Error when editing and saving an object(ZP-8058) (3656)
      • Objects wrong calculation rental P-8055) (3653)
      • Accounts Advanced Search shows no results (3639)
      • Object not found with external ref in Account Interested properties (CV) (3651)
      • Projects expansion Object references (3650)

1.2.50 (28-Aug-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • Object 502 errors at saving (3615)

Hot Fixes:

      • Booking extras and Booking cleaning from booking API getting null (3631)
      • API issue with storing right mail ID (3630)
      • API update request from Bhavik (3633)
      • Wrong owner sub-statuses in owner boards (3636)
      • API update to Inactivate user for Bhavik (3638)
      • Objects do not show relevant accounts (3640)
      • Grid view setting owners fails (3637)
      • Failing to edit CRM User Status (3641)
      • Object SAVE buttons disabled (3647)
      • CRM notification emails (3634)
      • Problem with the "tasks" function (ASBO-8050) (3632)
      • Deleted Owner is not in Archived (3635)

1.2.49 (21-Aug-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • Missing fields in the accounts advance search (3626)
      • Thousands & decimal separators inconsistency (3621)

Hot Fixes:

      • PDF issues (model 8 - objects) - Pure Ibiza (3616)
      • Send object by email issues CV (3617)
      • API update Holiday Rentals - ENQUIRY (3590)
      • Unselecting featured star --> traffic light red (3614)
      • DE portal Immowelt specs (3173)
      • Email property to multiple clients CV (3628)
      • Transaction types & price from-to (3627)
      • Calendar - tasks not showing in Assigned users calendar - JV-8043 (3618)
      • Smart Invest Account Profile Upates (3613)
      • Commission data partially missing in VIEW (see related 3605) (3611)

1.2.48 (10-Aug-2023)

New Features:

      • SIN VISITAS - API update for Document type and Document number for Owners Creation Web form (3593)
      • Short codes for new fields related to Smart Invest updates (3587)
      • Window Card format update (HHI) (3604)

Bug Fixes:

      • Properties API(v3) filter issue (3609)

Hot Fixes:

      • PDF for website (3610)
      • Filter on Available for 'None' Objects fails (3612)
      • Smart Invest updates (3608)
      • Project License Types table not saving entries (3607)
      • Map button to select location is missing in Account Profile (3606)
      • Copy from other basket (objects) not working (3594)

1.2.47 (07-Aug-2023)

New Features:

      • SIN VISITAS - API update for Document Type and Document number for Accounts Creation Web Form (3592)
      • New PDF format for Objects in CRM (3581)
      • Account Profile Updates (Other Type 1) (3586)
      • Smart Invest - Account Profile updates (3582)

Bug Fixes:

      • Auctions: creation & upload additional documents fails (3602)

Hot Fixes:

      • Fotocasa: sold & unselected property not set as inactive on Fotocasa (3597)
      • Custom categories do not work (HHI) (3601)
      • Owner not assigned to an object (HHI) (3600)
      • Unable to select locations in Account profile (HHI) (3603)
      • Map display issue in newly entered Google Address (3605)
      • Error in HHI (CMS) (3599)

1.2.46 (31-Jul-2023)

New Features:

      • New XML export format Inmoweb (Objects) (3580)
      • Smart Invest - property & profile updates (3566)
      • SI - All feedback (3585)

Bug Fixes:

      • Many xml for Commercial exporter return 404 (3595)
      • Updates Smart Invest - Objects (3591)
      • SI - Object types error (3589)

Hot Fixes:

      • Legal status other agency visible in Object (3584)
      • New Object incorrect allocation references in expansion (3588)
      • Enable Project switch for property type Plot (3583)

1.2.45 (24-Jul-2023)

New Features:

      • Add energy certificate in new developments (2757)

Bug Fixes:

      • Zp-7823 Calendar popup fail (3253)
      • Duplicated image upload in Objects (3571)
      • CRM tickets no longer sending email (3395)

Hot Fixes:

      • Short code from Email template not populating (3578)
      • Kyero export - pool incorrectly set = 1 (3576)
      • emails not adding to Accounts/Owners (3285)
      • Features & other info disappearing in Objects (3577)
      • Facebook email - lead not created for AD agency (3574)
      • When downloading Viewing Sheet property reference and address are missing (JV) (3579)
      • Idealista - no images sent for CV 2135 (3575)
      • Resales Online images broken at last import (3570)
      • Password update impossible (3573)

1.2.44 (17-Jul-2023)

New Features:

      • Le Figaro - new export format (objects) (3524)
      • Duplicate rental season - add to menu (ZP-7571) (3541)

Bug Fixes:

      • Objects references (agency settings) (3544)
      • View Object: HTML code from new HTML descriptions (3561)

Hot Fixes:

      • Show property keys in Type 1 = Villa (3564)
      • Property sent to client is not showing in sent (JV Residential) (3552)
      • IE messaging in error from Timeline (3569)
      • Object window cards (3461)
      • Account assignment email notification (3549)
      • Exclude WEB users from account assignments & Owner substitutes (3572)
      • Email alerts: property status 'sold' being sent (JV-8018) (3562)
      • MLS issues (3554)
      • CV- Issue assigning the owner to an Object (3567)
      • Web users incorrectly counted as CRM users (3565)
      • Remove limit of 10 folders in sync emails (3560)

1.2.43 (10-Jul-2023)

Hot Fixes:

      • Residential timeline must be copied on Objects (3550)
      • Exporter Failure (OPT-8010) (3556)
      • Invoicing: Bi-monthly is generating bi-weekly instead (3555)
      • Traffic lights check logic error for Objects (3542)
      • Clicking bookmarks doesn't set field values (3551)
      • Casfari: type 1 Lodging (key = 31) not assigned (3514)
      • Idealista email scraper variant (3543)
      • Preview PDF template in CV in error (3546)
      • IE - discrepancies in Relevant properties (3553)
      • Accounts filter creation date issue (JV-8015) (3559)
      • Accounts filter 'Transaction Type' not working (3540)

1.2.42 (03-Jul-2023)

New Features:

      • APITS v4 specs (3548)

Bug Fixes:

      • Sequence issues (3265)
      • Land: some fields logic not working (3547)
      • Missing export formats (3487)

Hot Fixes:

      • Preview PDF template in CV in error (3546)
      • Classifications not available for suboffices (3539)
      • Adding Location in Common Data (3538)

1.2.41 (26-Jun-2023)

New Features:

      • New Object types 1 - copy characteristics (3417)

Bug Fixes:

      • RO Costa Blanca type two is missing (3534)

Hot Fixes:

      • Add Object to Portal fails (CV) (3533)
      • Object validations issues (3535)
      • Object filter 'Categories' (3537)
      • Multiple portals are experiencing problems... again. (3517)

1.2.40 (19-Jun-2023)

New Features:

      • RO: add a 2nd account import for API (3470)

Bug Fixes:

      • CRON import screen updates (3237)
      • ZP-7649 - Booking payments not showing correctly (3247)

Hot Fixes:

      • CV - SAVE & CLOSE fails on some Objects (3528)
      • Owner office assignment fails to save (3531)
      • Residential features table restoration (3529)
      • Support tickets menu unselects by itself in all agencies (3530)
      • Casafari - remaining issues (3522)
      • Fotocasa export issues (3527

1.2.39 (12-Jun-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • Rental price in Object preview not shown (3456)
      • Issue in creating exporter for commercials (3523)
      • Properties (objects) email template short code update (3411)
      • [rental_contracts attribute=rental_price] wrong value (3272)

Hot Fixes:

      • CMS menu children (3520)
      • Update the API on Daxit request (3521)
      • Images showing in preview WC Objects (3469)
      • Add to Basket fails (Objects) (3525)
      • Objects relations to other elements (3269)

1.2.38 (05-Jun-2023)

New Features:

      • MLS settings speed (3198)
      • CBRAI import - small update - IC-7982 (3510)
      • Migration of a Residential user to Commercial (CV) (3513)

Bug Fixes:

      • CASAFARI CRON fails (3506)
      • Translation missing for BOARDS (3511)
      • Residential to commercial profiles synced issue in the account (3519)
      • ST/LT Rentals are not disabling the correct modules (3467)

Hot Fixes:

      • HTML editor updating error in agency model (3516)
      • CMS categories pagination not working (3512)
      • Objects list rental prices not showing (3518)
      • Objects Map view not working correctly (3515)
      • Cadastral number search fails (3480)
      • ICCI - Leads generated from FB campaigns have wrong property of interest (2070)

1.2.37 (29-May-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • RM images and property count issue (3504)
      • Sub office showing users of other offices in Meeting (3497)
      • New office created: show graphic of other office (3496)
      • CRM Objects - sales (ZP-7966) (3498)

Hot Fixes:

      • James Edition XML in error - IC-7952 (3503)
      • Error in XML export format Zimmo (3494)
      • Agencies assignment logic portal enquiries (IC-7964) (3485)
      • Ical incorrect dates (again) - OPT-7943 (3465)
      • Error saving object - Price history 502 error (3493)
      • SUB offices issues (3509)

1.2.36 (22-May-2023)

New Features:

      • Replace text editor property descriptions (3400)

Bug Fixes:

      • Commercial gridboards - deformed images (3492)

Hot Fixes:

      • Rightmove DELETE properties requestes CV (3501)
      • Casafari follow-up items from 3424 (3468)
      • Import 'url' for Casafari properties of IE (3491)
      • ST rentals prices in Object impacted (3489)
      • MLS-register and register - COUNTRY load error (3500)
      • New portal email to scrape - James Edition (2565)
      • Casafari follow-up for IE (3502)
      • MLS agency: types 1 not loading (3495)
      • Rental calendar - follow up from 3146 (3476)
      • Other reference search Objects returns 0 results - ZP-7967 (3499)
      • Import CRON ZP-7971 no longer running (3505)
      • Ical incorrect dates (again) - OPT-7943 (3465)
      • James Edition XML in error - IC-7952 (3503)
      • Error in XML export format Zimmo (3494)

1.2.35 (15-May-2023)

New Features:

      • Reporting module for 3269 Ticket (3420)
      • Object dates updates (3452)
      • Objects: ownership percentage (3453)
      • Activity groups- hide function (3474)
      • Cannot delete seasons in Object (Pure Ibiza) (3488)

Bug Fixes:

      • Comm property export missing many fields (3168)
      • User add only in master, never in sub office (3482)
      • Interested properties are not showing in the account (IC&IC2) (3483)

Hot Fixes:

      • Sub office must not be able to edit office in owner/account (3484)
      • Rental periods are not populated in objects (3486)
      • Content languages not corresponding to MLS wizard (3490)

1.2.34 (08-May-2023)

New Features:

      • API random properties filter for web (3466)
      • Sequences list - add sortable 2 columns (3478)

Bug Fixes:

      • Object window cards (3461)
      • Viewings - questionnaire failing (3475)

Hot Fixes:

      • Idealista enquiry not updating Timeline Account (JV-7931) (3454)
      • Rentals calendar replacement (3146)
      • Bookmark Objects fails (3473)
      • Relevant properties filter Objects incorrect (3477)
      • Object account profile filter - 3477 (3479)
      • Export companies failing (3409)
      • Wrong API Parking Parameter in Object features (3471)
      • ADMIN: submenus get auto-deselected (3481)

1.2.33 (02-May-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • T Rental price not showing in Object Details (3403)
      • Object board - region/province fail to reload (3460)
      • Incoming MLS must not be shared outgoing again (LPG-7917) (3447)

Hot Fixes:

      • Viewing is not showing the property reference (ZP-7927) (3463)
      • RO import API - Display Title (CRM ticket 7908 Asbo) (3426)

1.2.32 (25-April-2023)

New Features:

      • Viewings - owner related properties - JV7914 (3438)
      • Properties scrumboard - Type 1 missing as condition (3459)
      • Restore Capanes properties (3445)

Bug Fixes:

      • Duplicating Notification elements from Commodata (3448)

Hot Fixes:

      • Sub Office appearing that are not active in agency (3446)
      • Rental API 0 rental price (ZP-7919 BLOCKER) (3449)
      • Save Project loses Type 1 House (3455)
      • Object ref not showing in Viewing (JV-7929) (3458)
      • Account filter to Relevant Objects (3436)
      • Agency Settings - GDPR text editor fails (again) (3441)
      • Booking price locking (ZP-7859) (3443)
      • Object rental period formats and values (3462)
      • Cleaning WO's for Bookings (3451)

1.2.31 (19-April-2023)

Bug Fixes:

      • API booking update - duplication check accounts (3425)

Hot Fixes:

      • Price including commission wrongly adding commission again (3427)
      • Invoicing going wrong (3439)
      • Email alert switch not saving in account (3444)
      • Account profiles must sync in comm from residential (3421)
      • Same day check-out/in failing again (ZP-7911) (3414)
      • Booking Pricing errors objects (3428)
      • Objects references issues (3434)
      • API update bookings (Naeem) (3440)
      • CLL - delete all bookings (3430)

1.2.30 (17-April-2023)

New Features:

      • Auctions List + Documents (3429)

Bug Fixes:

      • Casafari - follow-up to #3390 (3424)
      • Video preview not reacting (Objects) (3431)

Hot Fixes:

      • Accounts: object profile pricing section disappears (3422)
      • Export Residential property to XLS fails (3419)
      • Object expansion: duplication of main image (3432)
      • Object expansion 2: image loading issue (test in Support-PI1) (3433)
      • Account phone validation disappeared (3435)
      • Objects list issues (3423)
      • Account profile with map selection - MEMORY issue (3416)

1.2.29 (10-April-2023)

New Features:

      • Cleaning orders & list to Comm (3147)
      • Owners menu - 2 missing options - JV-7893 (3360)
      • Download/Upload csv in CMS translations (2720)
      • Template module for 3269 Ticket (3402)

Bug Fixes:

      • Agency settings: hide irrelevant module info (3405)
      • ZP-7892 - missing property references on calendar (3365)
      • Property REF missing in tooltip calendar - ZP-7892 (3386)
      • Issue not showing last booking date in find one API (3412)

Hot Fixes:

      • Cron error log (3408)
      • Copied CMS: post types related to page (3407)
      • CMS translations import continued issues (3406)
      • Export companies failing (3409)
      • CMS translations table download/upload (3375)
      • RO cron broke (see cron logs) (3401)
      • ZP-7904 - enquiries no longer creating bookings (3394)
      • ZP-7909 - dates wrong in web enquiries booking (3404)
      • Wrong booking dates saved when booking from ANY calendar in CRM (3410)
      • All Objects deletion not working (3413)
      • Updating agency feed system deletes URL structures agency (3415)
      • Adding Object Type fails after adding a few (3418)

1.2.28 (03-April-2023)

New Features:

      • Bookings (commercial) creation date in list (3389)
      • Objects - rental selection & pricing (3396)
      • API update PDF (for Daxit) (3397)
      • Exclusions Module for 3269 (3392)
      • ACTIVITIES Modules For 3269 (3380)
      • Duplicate CMS Globexs to copied site (3399)

Bug Fixes:

      • Bookings - Contracts - translations failing (3387)
      • Duplicate Objects - JV-7874 (3330)
      • User status values not translating (3391)
      • Mapping errors incoming Kyero feeds Red SP - ZP-7879 (3333)
      • RO cron breaking (3385)

Hot Fixes:

      • Objects with 0 price cannot be updated (3388)
      • NC projects API failure (3384)

1.2.27 (27-March-2023)

New Features:

      • CONTACTS module for the 3269 ticket (3367)

Bug Fixes:

      • Error in commercial module (edited, selected a Property category, save & close) (3374)
      • API for JV (Naeem) (3379)

Hot Fixes:

      • Auction property not showing in AI office of IM (3376)
      • Auction property wrong sharing method (3377)
      • API update commercial 'custom categories' (3383)
      • Residential_Comm property MLS & web issues (3381)
      • Still RO mapping errors and no entries in Cron logs to correct (3370)
      • CITIES translations discrepancies (3355)

1.2.26 (20-Mar-2023)

New Features:

      • Objects filter update for Projects (3235)
      • BOOKINGS module for 3269 Ticket (3323)
      • update findAllWithLatLang API (3371)

Bug Fixes:

      • ZP-7829 - related to hot fix 3256 (3261)
      • CMS settings give this error (3356)
      • Date format error (year) (3358)
      • Dev Speed issue (3362)
      • UPDATED date issues Objects (3353)
      • Create booking: exclude Archived Objects (3349)
      • Update database - Residential to Commercial (3373)
      • Residential/Commercial - Available for Web (3369)

Hot Fixes:

      • Outgoing ical fails (3357)
      • Commondata - update & create region fails (3359)
      • API residential to commercial JV (3361)
      • API update for Globexs - super urgent (3368)
      • Update Object (LOB) - errors (3364)
      • API update for Globexs (3372)

1.2.25 (13-Mar-2023)

New Features:

      • Sync Residential-Commercial properties (3299)
      • Objects Board - sorting options (3348)
      • NEW CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS for 3269 ticket (3347)
      • Filter update Meetings - JV-7876 (3335)
      • Objects Availability dates missing (3354)

Bug Fixes:

      • Missing distance in Cbrai XML (Immo365) (3284)
      • RESALES ONLINE general feed still not updating daily (3280)
      • Search list property numbers and property names disapearing in bookings (beta) (3337)
      • Types in list not to translate by general translation key (3339)
      • Booking price calculation issue (3342)
      • Property details page fail (LPG) (3345)
      • Create booking: exclude Archived Objects (3349)
      • Tooltips translations fail in Comm Exporter (3352)
      • Cleaning List & Work Order search field fails (3351)
      • City table fails to sort of city value (2755)
      • Wrong mapping in properties imported from RO feed (3154)

Hot Fixes:

      • Sorting on Objects impossible (3325)
      • API updated New Construction properties (3340)
      • JV commercial API (3341)
      • Accounts board - save Location Group (3343)
      • Reject object from relevant properties hangs (3346)
      • ZP7888 - Kyero Extended export for ZP not running (3350)

1.2.24 (06-Mar-2023)

New Features:

      • Account TL - Update when objects module is ON (3127)
      • New xml export format Luxury Estate (Kyero Extended) (3282)
      • Restrict user status to Super Admin only (3329)
      • API features properties comm (3328)
      • Add WhatsApp menu in Relevant properties Accounts (Residential) - ZP-7873 (3338)

Bug Fixes:

      • Missing distance in Cbrai XML (Immo365) (3284)
      • Manually enter booking discount in Bookings (Beta) (3320)
      • RO Property duplications issues (3311)

Hot Fixes:

      • Paging through Objects: ERRORS (3324)
      • LPG api issues (3313)
      • API update in commercial properties API (3322)
      • Fix incorrect import mapping Valencia for Globexs (3326)
      • Bookings CALCULATE fails to update values (3331)
      • Price available: wrong error msg (3336)
      • API for country-regions-province-city without Property availability check (AI) (3321)
      • Account search on partner full name fails CV-7854 (3300)
      • Booking and pricing issues (BETA-commercial) (3309)
      • New bookings creation no price (3332)

1.2.23 (27-Feb-2023)

New Features:

      • New Features / Change Request:
      • API - missing ALT tag images for web (3315)
      • Json data for commercial (3318)

Bug Fixes:

      • ZP ticket 7631 - wrong [end_price] in email (2760)
      • Incorrect Regions table (Switzerland) (3296)
      • Properties missing for JV on Idealista (3312)

Hot Fixes:

      • Add feed URL for agencies in Company (3310)
      • RO Property duplications issues (3311)
      • Download Residential property to Excel in Error (3316)
      • AI - API for getting Company data (3314)
      • API update for AI (3319)
      • API: search by Property Name (3317)

1.2.22 (20-Feb-2023)

New Features:

      • Immovlan portal API integration (3174)
      • Country ISO codes to show on Country table (3303)
      • Contract footer should be centered (ZP-7849) (3295)

Bug Fixes:

      • Viewing tour not showing the property nor time (ZP-7822) (3257)

Hot Fixes:

      • Objects search fails (3290)
      • GB - delete & reimport images with descriptions (3278)
      • Object settings failing (3258)
      • Objects list not displaying GEO data (3304)
      • Idealista lead not created from scraping in JV-7853 (3297)

1.2.21 (13-Feb-2023)

New Features:

      • Comm Projects: new condition to SAVE project (3286)
      • Cadastral search in Objects (3274)
      • Remove Austria Cities & Albania in Cities Table (3294)

Bug Fixes:

      • Offer added: change Object status to Under Offer going wrong upon Cancel (3288)
      • Offer not loading Object REF (it is there though) (3287)
      • ZP sees accounts of other agencies (3273)
      • Feed United real Estate missing (ZP-7842) (3283)

Hot Fixes:

      • Sub office - cannot select type 1 (Objects) (3293)
      • Save & close fails to close Object update (3291)
      • ZP-7834 Idealista feed including SOLD properties (3260)
      • API for rentals search by dates (3267)

1.2.20 (06-Feb-2023)

New Features:

      • Properties XML Import mapping (2748)

Bug Fixes:

      • Info not showing on Firefox (3249)
      • Parsing error in Offer (3271)
      • "Yes" to "Si translation" (templates) (3275)
      • Residential: 0 relevant properties without any condition selected (3281)
      • ZP sees accounts of other agencies (3272)
      • Incorrect CBRAI mapping (3250)

Hot Fixes:

      • Many Errors after Release in MY2 (3263)
      • CBRAI feed - move to CBRAI production (3143)
      • Companies selections multi-pages & CSV downloads fail OPT-7841 (3279)
      • Issues with ALL portals since COMM adaptations made (3277)
      • Objects related issues (3259)
      • IDEALISTA export CV (3264)
      • SALE: can no longer select object reference (3270)

1.2.19 (30-Jan-2023)

New Features:

      • ZP-7822 - Residential references to Object references (3246)

Bug Fixes:

      • Failing PDF selection in Account Relevant COMM properties (3193)
      • Debugging the issue for the URL removal (3219)
      • Source not displaying in account (3252)

Hot Fixes:

      • ZP-7738 - Zariko Fotocasa feed missing majority of properties (3243)
      • CBRAI feed - move to CBRAI production (3143)
      • Property selection by page & export XML images (3233)
      • INTERNAL attachments must not be visible to clients (3248)
      • Sequences issues (hanging & search impossible) - ZP7828 (3255)
      • ThinkSpain lead creation issues JV-7825 (3254)
      • ZP-7829 - wrong value in short code (IMPORTANT) (3256)

1.2.18 (23-Jan-2023)

New Features:

      • Email alert for objects for sale (3082)
      • New account filters (3164)
      • Update the Commercial type APi (3231)
      • API update per Naeem (3232)

Bug Fixes:

      • Email templates in Comm Relevant Properties (3087)
      • Account grid search by date fails on exact date (3230)

Hot Fixes:

      • UI issue CMS blog posts - categories (3227)
      • Imports to set as 'not show on website' (3229)
      • Objects filter on Listing Agency fails (3234)
      • AI API fails to limit based on auction dates (3236)
      • Objects filter hanging long time (3238)
      • Locations (common data) failures (3241)
      • Reference search not displaying sold property (3245)
      • Account advanced search fails (3242)
      • Wrong mappings import LPG (3239)
      • Import accounts csv is hanging (3218)

1.2.17 (16-Jan-2023)

New Features:

      • DE portal Immowelt specs (3173)
      • Create a property point in map (3225)

Bug Fixes:

      • Archived Objects issues (3217)
      • Search accounts - retaining values in search box (3222)
      • Failing rounding to 2 decimals - Object rental prices (3223)

Hot Fixes:

      • MLS properties Project (3220)
      • Errors export accounts in CSV (3216)
      • Fotocasa API key (ZP-7738) (3195)
      • Some companies (type agency) not found in Object search (3224)
      • Select Objects in Viewing + Owners in Objects as Company (3221)
      • Privadia import for new agency (LPG) (2989)

1.2.16 (09-Jan-2023)

New Features:

      • Add the classification field in APIs (3204)
      • New API or Update Blog list API (3207)
      • Copy kyero feed format and remove limit of 49 images (3186)
      • API update (3215)

Bug Fixes:

      • CRM JV-7759 - Account not shown in Company + emails Company missing (3184)
      • Sorting & Searching on CMS Related Page in Post Types fails (3202)
      • Error when searching objects on the map (3162)
      • Object numbers in Viewing docs everywhere - ZP-7770 (3211)
      • JV-7771 - assigned-to parameter fails report (3210)
      • Invoicing - download invoice from inside invoice (3209)

Hot Fixes:

      • Impossible to load comm prop on dev2 (3197)
      • API update LPG (3206)
      • Idealista email scraping not creating lead (ZP) (3199)
      • JV-7769 - viewing sheet missing REF & address (3208)
      • Additional Casafari imports for IE (3205)
      • IM web shows properties of INACTIVE agencies (3213)
      • Comm rental contracts issues (3214)

1.2.15 (02-Jan-2023)

New Features:

      • Update rentals search API (3196)
      • API - Blog API in user_created_name missing (3203)
      • Add 3 XML imports in LPG agency (3201)

Bug Fixes:

      • CRON job identification (3163)
      • Fix the Cron fail issue (3181)
      • Issue with custom account grid boards search (3169)
      • Locations table issues (2628)ZP - Properties not in Fotocasa basket but included in the feed
      • Impossible to load Objects on dev2 (3197)
      • Projects PDF small issues remaining (ticket CV-7633) (3200)
      • Add JSON import screen for Objects (3128)

Hot Fixes:

      • Objects - menus missing (3192)
      • Images not loading in Send Email To Account (thumbnails) (3194)
      • User authorisation violations (3190)
      • API needed for blog categories & count (3191)
      • Globexs - import new properties xml feed in dev2 (3140)
      • MLS sharing again not correct (LPG-7760) (3189)
      • Again Idealista email scraping not creating lead (ZP) (3199)
      • MLS sharing again not correct (LPG-7760) (3189)
      • ZP - Properties not in fotocasa basket but included in the feed (3098)

1.2.14 (26-Dec-2022)

New Features:

      • Basket from residential to commercial (2735)

Bug Fixes:

      • Again errors in Google address of Agency (3104)
      • Issues with duplicated objects (3145)
      • Object thumbnails updates (3157)
      • Accounts search by creation date not always showing correct results (2939)
      • When there is an existing virtual tour it should be displayed in the object (3159)
      • Object filter "sleeps" update (3180)

Hot Fixes:

      • API issue in property type1 for AI (3175)
      • Search rental price API issue for IM (3176)
      • Commercial project property types mismatch (3179)
      • New development images not loading in LPG website (3178)
      • No property data loading in details page after SKIP-CACHE (3167)
      • LPG - Featured properties section in home page images not loading (3182)
      • Shared company must be VIEW-ONLY (3183)
      • Issues in Objects (3177)
      • MLS Meetings pages all in error (3187)
      • Objects Open URL + link in Thumbnail emails (3185)
      • Cannot add email in CRM - JV-7762 (3188)

1.2.13 (19-Dic-2022)

New Features:

      • -

Bug Fixes:

      • Issue with questionnaire status (3150)
      • Invoice Setting issue (3158)
      • CMS post types - Show the related page (3156)
      • Issue when sorting objects by price (3144)
      • Optimise web API's commercial (3153)
      • Duplicate Objects issues and error (3148)

Hot Fixes:

      • Change import URL's from RedSP feeds (3066)
      • Download SEO data from objects not working (3161)
      • Idealista leads have no phone number in CRM (3155)
      • API issue for new development sort by price (3165)
      • API updates for Globexs (rentals search) (3166)
      • LPG CMS Post Types in error (3170)
      • Update API for LPG, SMR,... (3171)

1.2.12 (12-Dic-2022)

New Features:

      • New Work Order for Objects (3000)
      • Upload csv translations file both in IM and AI CMS (3123)
      • Update permalink with csv upload (residential) (3121)
      • Attachments compatibility (2745)
      • Schedule nightly XML import for LPG (3152)
      • New email enquiry format to scrape for Idealista (3091)

Bug Fixes:

      • Export format names - translations (3112)
      • Duplicating object - copied from REF missing (3125)
      • In Objects show contract templates with type=Objects (instead of Residential) (3107)
      • Wrong mapping when copying residential into objects (3132)

Hot Fixes:

      • Auction Provider Company to come from Commondata and not individual agency (3049)
      • Export comm property fails again (3149)
      • Commondata company auction provider cannot be selected in auction (3151)

1.2.11 (5-Dic-2022)

New Features:

      • Boats: add auction (3093)
      • Account/owners/companies classification - allow deleting value (3134)
      • Quick invoicing update: remove menu option Incoming Invoices (3136)

Bug Fixes:

      • Issues with featured objects API (for LPG web) (3116)
      • RightMove feed - Add features (2528)
      • Booking price calculation when Billing schedule = One time (2970)
      • CMS cannot upload new header menu logo (new image not saved) (3137)

Hot Fixes:

      • No LOCATION can be created commondata (3129)
      • Name missing in leads from Idealista (ZP-7750) (3131)
      • Auctions issues (3126)
      • PB kyero feed cron not updated (3130)
      • Many filter fields comm missing (3113)
      • Object in Auctions cannot be updated/saved (3138)
      • Incoming MLS objects AGAIN shown as Own Listings (3141)
      • Google address & lat/long not saved in comm property (3142)

1.2.10 (28-Nov-2022)

New Features:

      • Small update Commercial prop expansion (3065)
      • CBRAI feed format - add nodes for creation date and last updated date (3099)
      • WC templates 34 and 35 - Show more description characters (3103)

Bug Fixes:

      • Hide excluded commercial types (3089)
      • Invoice PDF - items not translated (3102)
      • Email with address in CC and BCC (2601)
      • View Comm Property in Owners list fails (3090)
      • New favicon png not saved in CMS (3119)
      • How to import custom field in residential properties with csv upload? (3109)
      • Issues with account + owners classification (3117)

Hot Fixes:

      • Duplicated invoice number (3105)
      • IM Master shows less properties than Auctions sub (3097)
      • Bookmark filters not stored in created bookmark (3108)
      • Issues in commercial types1 API (for ASBO web) (3101)
      • Again issues in ZP holiday rental price in CRM (ZP-7725) (3110)
      • Invoicing issues (3106)
      • New XML imports (recent update done by team) assigning incorrect MLS level in RED SP agency (3114)
      • Office-based invoicing creates invoice in Master instead of Office (3122)
      • Still issues with type1 API for ASBO website (3115)

1.2.9 (21-Nov-2022)

New Features:

      • API to create lead assigned to agent in CRM (for ASB web) (3077)
      • Auction Provider Company to come from Commondata and not individual agency (3049)
      • Import Globexs property test xml feed (3075)
      • Viewings list - update fields (3081)

Bug Fixes:

      • Residential properties - issue with search (3074)
      • Comm Property - Rent - Cleaning - COMPANIES list (3080)
      • Deselecting item doesn't allow to select other option (3086)
      • Align viewing comments in property statistics pdf (3083)
      • Issue with pw format checks (2747)

Hot Fixes:

      • API issues for IM/AI (3088)
      • Feed formats are all the same (3084)
      • Password change impossible (WEAK) (3094)
      • Rentals list (beta) not showing all rental properties (3085)
      • Viewing/tour comments in property statistics pdf (3064)
      • Change import URL's from RedSP feeds (3066)
      • Invoicing settings & invoice creation issues (3096)

1.2.8 (14-Nov-2022)

New Features:

      • Newsletter switch and filter in accounts and owners (3024)
      • JV-7627 - Show owner email templates (2772)
      • Contact templates - Create new type for Objects (2680)
      • Feedback from Demo - Owner (2942)

Bug Fixes:

      • Share with IM agency only OWN properties from other CRM agencies + Do not share demo agency properties with IM (3059)
      • Commercial Building Styles mix-up and exclusion failure (3056)
      • Objects issues found in demo (3010)
      • ZP-7674 - Owner address not displayed in property private info (popup) (2897)
      • Commercial advanced search issue in location groups (3067)
      • Owner properties tab for Objects only (3078)
      • ZP-7725 - Wrong rental price shown in holiday rentals property details page (3078)

Hot Fixes:

      • SALE: Other agency commission line has disappeared (3060)
      • Leads from idealista not created anymore because of email layout change (3051)
      • Change import URL's from RedSP feeds (3066)
      • Auction objects disappeared in IM (3069)
      • Commercial Index API needs to update according to the location group (3072)
      • Objects API update for ASB when shown_on is empty (3073)
      • New feeds activated from ICCI agency for idealista and fotocasa but giving 404 error (3070)
      • Commercial property types must only be editable by Super Admin (3079)

1.2.7 (07-Nov-2022)

New Features:

      • API for uploading company logo and background images (3050)
      • Commercial Features Duplication (3042)
      • Export accounts - Include also objects profile fields (2992)
      • Objects missing in new construction detail API (3052)

Bug Fixes:

      • Location group dropdown in objects filter sidebar issue (3053)
      • Duplication check API AI (3041)
      • IE WC templates 34 and 35 - Image repeated (2759)
      • Decimals in Rent tab Object (3031)
      • Lightbox comm property fails everywhere (3044)
      • Agency search not working in IM (3062)

Hot Fixes:

      • Object: remove auction dates not saved (3058)
      • Booking status issue (residential module) (3055)
      • Leads from idealista not created anymore because of email layout change (3051)
      • EDIT all incoming auctions properties in Office = Auctions (3057)
      • Copy residential to comm: Monthly rental value empty (3054)
      • Mailbox not opening anymore (3061)

1.2.6 (31-Oct-2022)

New Features:

      • Move all residential to Commercials (2774)
      • API update for AI/IM (see Name) Company create/update (3036)
      • Update filters Relevant properties (comm/residential/boats/moorings) (2883)
      • API update AI/IM (3048)

Bug Fixes:

      • Comm property creation: default 'Show on web: NONE' (3039)
      • AI-Auctions API countries with future active auctions (3032)
      • Source - API AI/IM not working (3045)

Hot Fixes:

      • EVERY object set for auction + available must be in IM master + Auction office (3040)
      • MLS agency shows no menus (yet they exist) (3043)
      • Delete Auction document not possible (3047)

1.2.5 (24-OCT-2022)

New Features:

      • API updates: Account profile provinces/cities + auction properties with future closing date (3026)
      • Move all residential to Commercials (2774)
      • Objects filter: add AUCTION DATE TO when auction selected (3033)
      • Newsletter switch and filter in accounts and owners (3024)
      • Comm property creation: default 'Show on web: NONE' (3039)

Bug Fixes:

      • CRM ticket JV-7459 - Not all properties imported from xml feed (3027)
      • User log download: add date parameters (2895)
      • API issue when implementing DA (danish) language in new ASB website (2975)
      • Update API account creation from AI/IM (3035)
      • Add in objects API property category(ies) (3030)
      • JV - WC template 33 - Pool icon not shown anymore (2854)
      • CRM ticket AA-7710 Addendum issue in contract templates (3023)
      • Extra not included in booking end price (ZP-7689) (3038)

Hot Fixes:

      • RENT tab without content (Privadia property import) (3029)
      • Proforma invoicing issues (3025)
      • Objects not loading in IM Auctions office (3034)
      • Objects urgent issues (3037)

1.2.4 (17-OCT-2022)

New Features:

      • New Features / Change Request:Booking Calander for commercial (2993)
      • Energy certificate updates for FOTOCASA feed (3015)
      • Other Co-Broking issues (2931)
      • Small Casafari import update (2949)
      • Privadia import for new agency (2989)
      • Rooms, Bedrooms and Bathrooms tabs in objects (3022)

Bug Fixes:

      • Accounts search by creation date not always showing correct results (2939)
      • Wrong condition in traffic lights Objects (3006)
      • Scrum board follow-up from #2868 (2991)
      • Wrong results filtering incoming MLS properties (2900)
      • Property scrum board issue with images: documents included! (3012)
      • Commercial booking calendar images: exclude documents (3013)
      • Calendar pagination issue in my2 only (good in dev) (3018)
      • Commercial traffic light issue (3020)
      • Properties created from owners in AI and IM websites are not shown in IM CRM agency (3011)
      • API issues in AI and IM (3016)
      • Commercial search in list (2888)
      • Co-living and Commercial spaces object types issue (3021)

Hot Fixes:

      • Authorisation issue in new developments new module when clicking on Audit tab (3017)
      • Comm filter for OWN wrong due to MLS incoming objects (3014)
      • Resales Online feed in agency settings should populate properties in Objects (3019)

1.2.3 (10-OCT-2022)

New Features:

      • Update in WC templates 34 and 35 for IE (2997)
      • Property Name in Objects list expansion (2994)
      • Translations to upload in IM and AI CMS (3004)
      • Properties scrum board follow-up from #2868 (2991)

Bug Fixes:

      • Still one small issue in bookmarks in Residential (2982)
      • Sales price repeated in Object expansion (2999)
      • New development - issues when uploading images in original images and in document tabs (2971)
      • Forgot password API issue (for IM/AI) (3003)
      • "Agency" filter in Objects (2856)

Hot Fixes:

      • Objects SAVE -> blank screen with errors (3001)
      • IM and AI 'search' not responding (3005)
      • Admin logout while navigate to active projects (3002)
      • MLS editing violation (2996) Invoicing - companies (2998)
      • Residential add to portal show stopper (2995)
      • Random error + geo fails at creation Object (3008)
      • Auction docs from wrong country (3009)
      • ST rental switch missing in Object (3007)
      • Invoicing - companies (2998)

1.2.2 (03-OCT-2022)

New Features:

      • Booking status logic (2960)
      • Objects API - Add also properties with status = SOLD (same as we have in residential) (2983)
      • Comm reorder some tabs for LAND (2984)
      • API for websites using objects module (2924)
      • Co-Broking menus & functions to integrate with commercial (2924)
      • Commercial Property scrum board (2868)

Bug Fixes:

      • Bookmarks previously created in Residential properties disappeared (2964)
      • CRON jobs refresh button not working (2978)
      • Co-Broking: request a viewing defaults (2979)
      • Feedback from Demo - OBJECTS (2940)
      • Invoicing number issue (2988)
      • CRM tickets AA-7695 and 7678 related to contract templates (2959)
      • REDSP MLS issue (2987)

Hot Fixes:

      • Objects List - Mass Update issues (2977)
      • Follow up from #2867 - auctions wrong documents (2976)
      • Same for Objects: see #2953 (2958)
      • Auction docs not showing for Type 1 = Land (2985)
      • Owner grid board fatal error (2986)
      • Add to basket OBJECT: counter not updating (2930)
      • Errors in console when saving property AP218 in ZP agency - CRM ticket 7703 (2990)

1.2.1 (26-SEP-2022)

New Features:

      • RO feed to import in ASB agency (2858)
      • API issues for AI / IM (2962)
      • API issue in new development images/documents for IC website (2972)
      • Bookings (objects) - Add documents tab (2973)

Bug Fixes:

      • Images server disks sleeping (2879)
      • JV user email cannot be synch (2961)
      • Auctions: documents download & delete (2967)
      • Auction docs mixed up at creation object (2974)

Hot Fixes:

      • SALE - follow-up from #2943 (2957)
      • CB: My Profile --> user kicked out (2966)
      • CB: zero units shown now! (2965)
      • Comm property to Relevant accounts profiling (2879)
      • Activities - Cannot add comment in TL (2963)
      • Objects search not working (always giving 0 results) (2969)
      • From #2923 Relevant comm properties (2968)

1.1.38 (19-SEP-2022)

New Features:

      • New Construction Module connected with Commercial Properties (2866)
      • Rental bookings - Pending issues (2929)
      • Object: Office Group selector missing (2950)

Bug Fixes:

      • Search Type 1 & Type 2 fails in comm (2937)
      • API search issue for draw on map in IC website (2927)
      • User log download: add date parameters (2895)
      • identification_type for home staging images in some cases not sent in API (for IC website) (2948)
      • Properties API View By Ref no response (2952)
      • Error when synch email in CRM (2947)
      • Google API errors in Agency (2956)
      • CB office shows sales that are not from CB office (2951)

Hot Fixes:

      • Comm property validation error upon action (2936)
      • Co-Broking Price List: missing array for fields (2944)
      • Co-Broking - My Sales page errors (2945)
      • Co-Broking menus & data shown for CB role (2922)
      • Create Offer Object freezes in error (2946)
      • Sale: not possible to select OWN AGENCY anymore (2943)
      • Objects showstopper issues (2955)
      • Co-Broking: Available Units must show all made available to CB (2953)

1.1.37 (12-SEP-2022)

New Features:

  • Comm properties: Bookmarks missing (2887)
  • IE private area user assignment 'partner' (2882)
  • Download invoices from S3 bucket (AWS) (2913)
  • Rental Bookings for Commercial (2841)

Bug Fixes:

  • city_value = Paris wrong (2916)
  • ZP-7677 - Issue with property availability on website + price = 0 (2915)
  • Translation keys not working - minor updates (2919)
  • IDUFIR/CRU error when saving a property (2933)
  • Translation of contract template type in contracts overview (2934)

Hot Fixes:

  • Issues found (2914)
  • ADD language no longer possible for Admin role (2918)
  • Relevant accounts from Residential (and comm) property incorrect (2920)
  • Missing OBJECTS & RESIDENTIAL in Task Manager (2921)
  • Object Quick Create fails (2926)
  • Holiday rental prices not shown anymore in ZP website (2928)
  • ZP website issue when searching by dates (2932)
  • Contract templates for OBJECTS missing (2925)
  • Deletion incoming MLS property must not be possible (2935)
  • Comm property validation error upon action (2922)

1.1.36 (5-SEP-2022)

New Features:

  • API update to show also properties in New Dev with status Sold and Under offer (2902)
  • ES translations to upload in agency CMS (2909)
  • User log download: add date parameters (2895)
  • Invoicing config by Office (2870)

Bug Fixes:

  • JS issue in selecting/deselecting in list (accounts) (2901)
  • Objects - features unselected when moving to another tab (2892)
  • Objects marked as featured in CRM, but not shown in SM website (2898)
  • Update Commercial as any change happen in Residentials (2907)
  • CBRAI - agency not displayed inside the property (2736)
  • Commercial types 1 conditional fields incorrect (2912)

Hot Fixes:

  • Google Maps API failing again in Agency creation (2908)
  • Auction XML not including the links for Docs in DOCS node (2905)
  • Can no longer create recurring invoice (2911)
  • More Google API issues; now in Company (2910)

1.1.35 (29-AUG-2022)

New Features:

  • Add the agency logo in new development API (2896)
  • Invoicing - info on bill-to/company (2873)
  • Auto-translation comm property content Google Translation API (2859)
  • Bookings add Documents tab (CRM ticket ZP-7579) (2580)

Bug Fixes:

  • Wrong long term rental period date moved from residential to objects module (2890)

Hot Fixes:

  • MLS properties showing in agencies Objects list (2893)
  • Location not shown anymore in home and search results pages in our websites (2893)
  • Auction updates (2877)
  • Auction XML not generated (anymore) from basket (2899)
  • IM - MLS objects & offices (2876)
  • Updating Object auction office fails + error (2904)
  • Auction tables: create works, view not (authorisations) (2903)
  • IM: setting Listing Agency in property: property disappears completely in IM (2906)

1.1.34 (22-AUG-2022)

New Features:

  • Initial release of Commercial Bookings (Beta) (2841)

Bug Fixes:

  • Invoicing corrections needed (2869)
  • Account searches fail on multiple first name records (CRM ticket ZP-7671) (2886)
  • Invoices bug (2861)

Hot Fixes:

  • NONE

1.1.33 (15-AUG-2022)

New Features:

  • Invoicing corrections needed (2869)
  • Accounts - Commercial Relevant properties pop-out (2872)

Bug Fixes:

  • Commercial Prop Images are not display in View and Grid view (2885)

Hot Fixes:

  • Viewings issues residential properties (2874)
  • Owner board: wrong Owner Sources shown (2881)
  • User cleanup in Offices prevents from updating Office (2880)
  • IM Auction Documents issue (2875)
  • Auction issues (2878)
  • Objects grid view displaying totally other properties (2884)

1.1.32 (08-AUG-2022)

New Features:

  • Invoicing updates - RELATE TO array (2850)
  • Missing menu items in Commercial properties list (2829)

Bug Fixes:

  • CRM ticket ZP-7661 - Booking ref. 32889554 not found when searching by property (2857)
  • Owner board error at loading (2865)
  • "Related to" dropdown options when residential module is not active (2867)

Hot Fixes:

  • Issue with email synch in CRM (2826)
  • Comm property update + save & close: errors (2860)
  • Issue in city and provinces of Spain country (2863)
  • Comm Relevant pop-out console errors (2871)

1.1.31 (01-AUG-2022)

New Features:

  • Company record updates (2839)
  • IM agency Companies - Show field "Related CRM agency" (2842)
  • API needed from draw on map search for IM and AI websites (2847)
  • Translations to upload in IM agency (2838)
  • API for properties for auction (for both AI and IM) (2855)

Bug Fixes:

  • AuctionImmo - property ref 474475 sent in API but not available in CRM (2845)
  • Last pending issue in messaging in CRM (in accounts TL) (2846)
  • Issues in provinces/cities API for IM (2840)
  • API for IM to create lead in other agencies (2848)
  • Account issue in commercial properties not mapping the images (2851)
  • API issue for Immomarket - sorting when price on demand (2837)

Hot Fixes:

  • Owner type Company - Quick add (2843)
  • Invoicing to an owner - Street number and postal code missing in generated invoice (2844)
  • Cannot add message in TL (account/owner/tasks/...) (2852)

1.1.30 (28-JUL-2022)

New Features:

  • Blocket xml feed format - use internal title/description when the external is not available (2692)
  • Assigning invoice number + Delete option + Correction option (2836)
  • Agency details to display in IM - Add them in agency settings (2788)


  • IE login page - send all account profile in the API (2832)
  • Property statistics - Show default reference selected in agency settings (2670)
  • Accounts search by creation/updated date issue (2804)
  • Mobile phone already exists error but cannot find it (2835)
  • IE debug when type1 is Estate/Finca (2834)
  • Translations not shown in CRM accounts/owners (2809)
  • Agency creation Google maps issues (2710)
  • Invoicing issues - continued (2831)

1.1.29 (18-JUL-2022)

New Features:

  • Small updates in kyero extended xml format (2815)
  • Additional features to add in in kyero feed format (2752)


  • Issue in invoice downloading (2823)
  • Data breach while creating company (2821)
  • PB agency- Import Kyero feed (2434)
  • IM issue in url (2819)
  • API for empty map for IE + show only properties with available for=all webs/our web (2789)
  • Import 2 new feeds in JV agency (JV-7553 and JV-7552) (2818)
  • Objects - maintain filters selected + issue when going to next page (2807)
  • Error when rejecting some relevant properties in IE agency (2792)
  • Issue when selecting pin in map for property/urbanisation (2810)
  • Invoicing issues (2824)
  • Booking popup from booking calendar is empty (2830)
  • Search by creation date not working in objects (2828)

Hot Fixes:

  • Issues with Comm Properties (2822)

1.1.28 (8-JUL-2022)

New Features:

  • IE properties counter + relevant properties + send property url (2766)
  • Objects table update (2801)
  • Object types sort alphabetically (2811)
  • Properties with price on demand (2798)
  • Beds - add in account objects profile (2816)
  • IE - Account login page MESSAGING (2683)
  • Invoicing module updates (2706)


  • Feed with GoogleEarth V2 format is giving 404 error (2740)
  • Objects moved from residential module in again have wrong (2805)
  • ASCII codes in RO feed (2799)
  • Bedrooms/bathrooms/livingrooms fields should be shown only for certain types1 (2812)

Hot Fixes:

  • Comm GEO data issue (2814)
  • Properties/Boats/Moorings of interest in Account (2813)

1.1.27 (4-JUL-2022)


  • Images and rent search issue (2781)
  • Issues with images in IM (2793)
  • API issue in auction tab (2780)
  • Star icon not selected in objects overview even if selected as featured (2785)
  • Meeting statuses not translated in meeting overview (2756)
  • Objects - records per page (2802)
  • API Search box updates for IM (2795)
  • My schedule widget - set correct sort order (2665)
  • IM wrong url for property details pages (2796)
  • Issue with download pdf from IM (2786)
  • Long term rental prices not moved from residential to objects (2794)

Hot Fixes:

  • Account cannot be saved for update email (2790)
  • New created office MENU options failure (2791)
  • Error when sending email from DI agency (2800)

1.1.26 (27-JUN-2022)

New Features:

  • Urgent API for IM (2779)
  • Upload translation files in CMS in IM agency (2778)
  • JV tickets 7058 and 7622 - import feeds (2746)


  • Property details url structure for immomarket (2649)
  • Meeting statuses not translated in meeting overview (2756)
  • 'Recurring' switch showing OFF always (2775)
  • Cleaning orders when booking gets archived (ZP-7635) (2769)
  • Issues in Objects overview (2695)

Hot Fixes:

  • Agencies with available properties to move from residential to commercial module (2777)
  • Non-Own listings must not require LONG/LAT (2782)
  • Update welcome wizard (2776)

1.1.25 (20-JUN-2022)

New Features:

  • API for IM - Download pdf (2744)
  • Accounts - Objects profile - Allow multiple selections (2753)
  • IM - Get properties with the same cadastral number (2773)
  • Property details url structure for immomarket (2649)


  • IM - accounts and owners created have no GDPR status filled (2765)
  • IM API issue - Properties of interest are deleted when the account sends an inquiry from IM (2764)
  • ZP ticket 7631 - wrong [end_price] in email (2760)
  • New construction issues (2767)
  • Issues with urbanizations (2686)
  • XML Feed - Premium Villas Costa Blanca (2771)
  • Add XML Feed for 'Cresmarta' (JV-7553) (2569)
  • Quick-fix - sources (2754)
  • Import RO new dev feed-in DI agency (2770)

Hot Fixes:

  • Accounts not shown in grid view (2763)

1.1.24 (13-JUN-2022)

New Features:

  • Kyero feed - add node for virtual tour (2617)
  • Price list in CV agency (2685)
  • APIs for immomarket - Property details (2662)


  • Relevant properties in accounts created from IM not displayed in accounts grid view (2739)
  • MLS Sharing validation issue (2710)
  • API issues for IM (2758)
  • Leads from Rightmove portal - wrong name added in leads created in CRM (2611)
  • Casafari property import update in IE agency (2733)
  • CBRAI new xml feed format (2701)

Hot Fixes:

  • Issues with account residential profile when area selected in map (2742)
  • Cannot generate ANY contract pdf in my2 (2761)

1.1.23 (6-JUN-2022)

New Features:

  • Casafari property import update in IE agency (2733)
  • Auction xml export feed to create (2732)
  • APIs for IE (2719)
  • More missing APIs for IE (2743)
  • IE - API for the Tell your account manager popup (2750)


  • Accounts grid view - Objects profile popup issues (2738)
  • Airbnb ical not synch in CLL agency (2728)
  • Booking - small issue with rounded values (2726)
  • Incoming MLS properties in basket not in Export Feed (XML) (2443)

Hot Fixes:

  • Aruba website - rentals search not working at all (2737)
  • Questionnaires no longer working (2749)
  • Booking issues - CRM tickets ZP-7623 and ZP-7610 (2751)

1.1.22 (30-MAY-2022)

New Features:

  • CBRAI new XML feed format (2701)
  • Upload CSV file with new translations in IE CMS (2694)
  • Account email and phone not shown in booking (2721)
  • Residential to commercial - use the same tables for the custom category and building style (2730)
  • Fields mapping residential - commercial (2711)


  • Objects wrong agency displayed and sent to IM (2722)
  • The issue in mooring pagination API (for IC website) (2729)
  • Facebook feed in other languages (2717)
  • Agency creation Google maps issues (2710)
  • Cron for locations crashing (2650)

Hot Fixes:

  • Web user accounts/owners limit fields (2731)

1.1.21 (23-MAY-2022)

New Features:

  • API update for YS (2712)
  • Sendinblue integration (2406)


  • ImmoMarket - Profile fields not mapped (2708)
  • No geo data is stored in Company 'Agency tab' (2615)
  • API update for rentals prices for Immomarket (2714)
  • CMS - Cannot remove page tag (2715)

Hot Fixes:

  • Cannot update region and province in city = Greater London (2716)

1.1.20 (16-MAY-2022)

New Features:

  • New APIs needed for IM auctions (2693)
  • API for YS (2691)


  • Data overflowing between agencies: Legal Statuses (2688)
  • Wrong agency creation type (2698)
  • Ghost image on commercial property (2700)
  • Contract template for short term rental - wrong booking dates displayed in PDF generated (CRM ticket ZP-7608) (2675)

Hot Fixes:

  • Birthday greeting email issues (2702)
  • Accounts disappeared in JV agency (2704)
  • Unable to save Property (2707)
  • Booking discounts again not calculated correctly (2705)

1.1.19 (9-MAY-2022)

New Features:

  • Create shortcode for today's date for contract templates (2640)
  • Booking comments field disappeared in new layout (2696)


  • IC leads coming from holiday rental properties (2655)
  • Quick key update for LG sequence field name (2682)
  • Errors in console in CRM (2661)
  • Invoice list sorting & pagination + export to XLS/CSV (2654)
  • Birthday switch issues (2697)
  • ZP booking with wrong extras amount (2699)
  • Cannot sell property 2nd time when sale is completed (ZP-7611) (2690)

Hot Fixes:

  • Account grid board - Assigned to pencil icon opens an empty popup (2681)
  • CMS page template removal (2687)
  • Missing features display (residential) - see also IC-7609 (2684)
  • Facebook feed giving error (2689)
  • Bookings coming from website (ZP-7605) (2678)

1.1.18 (2-MAY-2022)

New Features:

  • Property coordinates download in xls file (2619)
  • 4 shortcodes missing (both residential and commercial) (2623)
  • portal specs (2530)
  • Blocket xml feed format - 2 fields update (2671)


  • Mooring disappeared from IC agency (2674)
  • Semestrial invoice not generating after 6 months (2494)
  • RightMove feed - Add features (2528)
  • Accounts grid issues for Comm property, boats & moorings (2668)
  • Mooring - Marina > Features tab (2488)
  • API update - Property created from IM not connected to owner (2672)

Hot Fixes:

  • Birthday greetings automated email (2645)

1.1.17 (25-APR-2022)


  • Owners creation issue in API (2664)
  • General search - apply agency settings to agent roles (2504)
  • Booking payments popup from overview issues (2657)
  • Rental options not shown in Objects (2658)
  • Duplication icon not working (2663)
  • CBRAI feed - Some listing agencies not added in properties (2669)
  • Reporting: Holiday rentals property report (External) not opening when searching by owner (2418)
  • Second array of mooring dimensions not saved (2673)
  • Searching by mooring dimension in website (2676)

Hot Fixes:

  • Birthday greetings automated email (2654)
  • Commercial profile Types - keys instead of values (2666)
  • CBRAI Import issue (2659)
  • Booking discounts not considered in Pricing - Ticket ZP-7605 (2667)
  • Features mooring initial loading issue (2677)

1.1.16 (18-APR-2022)

New Features:

  • Bookings - Small updates (2646)
  • Make PDF template static (2644)
  • Create Documentation On jira for IM add all the params of API (2620)
  • CLL agency - Import resales online xml feed (2638)


  • APIs for immomarket - Client registration issues (2648)
  • API for immomarket - Agency logo and properties (2647)
  • API for immomarket - issues when updating account profile (2643)
  • [property_url] shortcode not working (2635)
  • ZP issue with booking price for bookings coming from website (2656)

Hot Fixes:

  • Support-PB1 Gilmar feed import overwrites all (2651)
  • Wrong LT rent price displayed on ZP website (ZP-7594) (2652)
  • Errors Quick Account creation (2653)
  • IE short term rental properties error in console (2660)

1.1.15 (11-APR-2022)

New Features:

  • Bookings - Discount/surcharge dropdown (2510)
  • IC - email enquiries to collaborators (2616)
  • RightMove feed - Add features (2528)


  • Issue when downloading PDF from LAS website (2526)
  • Issue in API for LAS website new locations search (2633)
  • Commercial - property type and transaction types displayed should be related (2618)
  • Contract templates - Hide preview button (2629)
  • New cleaning management element not saved (2639)

Hot Fixes:

  • Sequences dates issue (2642)

1.1.14 (7-APR-2022)

New Features:

  • API agency details - property filters (2610)
  • APIs for ImmoMarket - Property attachments and properties of interest (2622)
  • Bookings logic updates (2484)


  • Property of interest new filter in accounts (2439)
  • No geo data is stored in Company 'Agency tab' (2615)
  • Gilmar kyero feed (PB agency) wrong location (2472)
  • Select all records in archived (2612)
  • IE properties from Privadia feed (2609)
  • Countries, regions, provinces, cities, locations - Select all button not working (2599)
  • Download translations from IE CMS (2630)
  • Cannot add commercial properties to baskets (2634)

Hot Fixes:

  • Property details API issue with agency image (2614)
  • Kyero feeds in NH agency giving error  (2613)
  • PDF for projects for YS website - make it available for all lang + fix issue with images and icons (2621)
  • EDIT property types only for ADMIN role (2624)
  • EDIT residential property fails (2627)
  • ADD location commondata fails (2626)
  • Issue in PDF while download from API (2631)
  • NH agency - xml feed blocked giving error (2637)

1.1.13 (28-MAR-2022)

New Features:

  • Residential - Plot type1 show pool and parking features tabs (2563)
  • API key for agency details for ImmoMarket (2604)
  • IDUFIR/CRU, Finca number and Property register fields in commercial module(2590)
  • Account profile for commercial; properties (2605)


  • Countries, regions, provinces, cities, locations - Select all button not working (2599)
  • Cities in Romania (2598)
  • Again issues with ical - ZP-7586 (2602)
  • Repeated tasks not displayed in Dashboard "My schedule" widget (2577)
  • New nodes in CBRAI feed (2307)
  • JV-7587 ticket - issue when searching by owner home phone nr (2603)
  • RO locations file to upload (2606)

1.1.12 (21-MAR-2022)

New Features:

  • Url structure logic for property details pages on website (2585)
  • Account objects profile (2592)


  • Remove all the external descriptions in all languages in all properties in LAS agency (LAS-7580)
  • Login popup screen blocking session on tablets etc (2327)
  • Idealista json "featuresPool" (2549)
  • Web socket error upon create Account (2386)
  • EAS export links to documents linked to properties (2552)
  • New nodes in CBRAI feed (2307)

Hot Fixes:

  • IE issue with images in home + about us pages (2589)
  • Add Account/Owner ID in export files (2594)
  • Values in dropdown comm features missing  (2595)
  • Bookings contract console errors  (2597)
  • JV website - issue with filter Modern  (2596)
  • Legal Status not stored in table  (2600)

1.1.11 (14-MAR-2022)

New Features:

  • Moorings APIs (search and view) add Location/Location group (2583)
  • Missing commercial functions to implement (2487)
  • New field for property private info (ZP-7570) (2572)
  • Comment field for long term rental contracts (ZP-7564) (2571)
  • Moorings search API - Available for (2581)
  • View property API - include agency logo (2586)
  • Reports: holiday rental external & internal (ZP-7511) (2570)
  • Commercial - Fields to display in Characteristics, Main tab according to type 1 selected (2551)


  • Remove all the external descriptions in all languages in all properties in LAS agency (LAS-7580)
  • Login popup screen blocking session on tablets etc (2327)
  • Idealista json "featuresPool" (2549)
  • Web socket error upon create Account (2386)
  • EAS export links to documents linked to properties (2552)
  • New nodes in CBRAI feed (2307)

Hot Fixes:

  • Agency users screen issue (2582)

1.1.10 (7-MAR-2022)

New Features:

  • New xml feed for "Blocket" portal (2525)
  • New mooring module - Search on website (2419)
  • Mooring view API (2575)
  • Moorings module - Add location field (2576)
  • API for search agency data (2541)
  • Exempt condition change + and Energy certificate ID (2574)


  • Features tab not displayed in some property types (both residential and commercial) (2542)
  • API issue for IC website (2560)
  • Rent tab - Extras sub tab not displayed (2559)
  • Terminate a user session manually (2562)
  • Auction tab updates & new table (2555)
  • Add XML Feed for agency 'GH COSTA BLANCA' (JV-7460) (2567)
  • Add XML Feed for 'Cresmarta' (JV-7552) (2568)
  • Issues with IE PDF template 35 (2561)
  • Display options based on Types 1 - missing rentals (2573)
  • First property image in CRM not display (2564)
  • Issues in commercial properties (2523)

Hot Fixes:

  • Kyero feed - External description/title (2483)
  • EAS export links to documents linked to properties (2552)
  • EAS export links for Account & Owner documents (2566)

1.1.9 (28-FEB-2022)

New Features:

  • New xml feed (based on Kyero format) for "Blocket" portal (2525)


  • Field Partitioning (commercial properties in Romania) - Add"Lux" option in the dropdown (2554)
  • ical issue (ZP-7551) (2519)
  • Image labels issue (2556)
  • CLL agency (Capanes) - Updates in CMS custom fields and SEO data not saved (2553)
  • Rental seasons from other agencies displayed (2558)

1.1.8 (21-FEB-2022)

New Features:

  • Icons for MLS sharing (2536)
  • Add new currency RON (2545)


  • Properties API  (2477)
  • User setting Properties GRID fails (2498)
  • Thumbnails links 3 - DE description missing (2533)
  • MLS count & search errors (2514)
  • PDF downloaded from IE website - Features not translated in EN (2538)
  • Translation key fails (2520)
  • Commercial - Cannot create types 2 under Commercial space type1 (2532)
  • PDF templates - Private garden (2507)
  • Kyero feed in MP has error (2540)
  • Issue with wrong holiday rent price calculation in IC dev site (2539)
  • Hide inactive elements (2496)
  • Commercial properties - Add new field when property is in Romania (2546)

Hot Fixes:

  • UP feed broken  (2534)
  • Auction provider value not saved in property (2535)
  • Commercial Search bar format issue (2537)
  • Dashboard display & filter wrong (quick update) (2543)

1.1.7 (14-FEB-2022)

New Features:

  • LOB imports (2499)
  • API calendar for IC website (2497)


  • MLS sharing issues related to Red SP (2527)

Hot Fixes:

  • Cannot create residential property (2522)
  • Assigned_to csv import issue (2515)
  • Rental contracts - Rented until date issue (2518)
  • Features disappearing after Save and Close property (2521)

1.1.6 (7-FEB-2022)


  • Bookings - Final payment amount not saved (2391)
  • Idealista json feed issue (2513)
  • Rental contracts Support Ticket (ZP-7550) (2511)
  • Rental contracts errors (2509)
  • Location group categories for LOB&LHI website (2505)
  • Geography updates (2420)

Hot Fixes:

  • Rental contract issues (2508)
  • Rental contracts - Rented until date issue (2518)
  • MLS count & search errors (2514)

1.1.5 (31-JAN-2022)

New Features:

  • Agency expiration (2490)
  • Download doc open in new tab (2491)
  • Commercial Auction updates (2464)
  • Commercial module updates (2485)


  • Thumbnails and url structure (2445)
  • Rightmove feed issue (2492)
  • Google address Netherlands regions not recognised (2469)
  • Commercial relevant property issues (PRINT) (2471)
  • Commercial module - updates required (2461)
  • Archived objects operations not working (2501)

Hot Fixes:

  • FAQ GROUP cannot be added (doesn't save) (2489)
  • Issues with virtual tours (2317)
  • Error creating Company (2500)

1.1.4 (24-JAN-2022)

New Features:

  • Commercial Auction updates (2464)
  • Commercial module - various updates (2461)


  • LOB csv accounts file to upload (2473)
  • Featured properties issue (2475)
  • Reset password: email must not be case sensitive (2480)
  • Commercial relevant property issues (PRINT) (2471)

1.1.3 (17-JAN-2022)

New Features:

  • View Property: hide fields without values (2470)


  • Commercial - Transaction Transfer (2474)
  • Some issues in Comm property (2466)
  • Commercial module (Property overview and expansion) (2432)

1.1.2 (10-JAN-2022)

New Features:

  • Editing screen in popup (2457)


  • Demo issues: Relevant properties popup (2459)
  • Commercial module - Updates in properties not saved (2462)


  • Wrong LT rental price calculation (2467)

1.1.1 (03-JAN-2022)

New Features:

  • Residential Features into Commercial Features (2452)
  • "Property default shown on" field in agency settings (2382)
  • Accounts duplication validation Agency / Office (2385)


  • UP agency - Thumbnails links not working (2423)
  • Open URL issue in JV agency (2442)
  • Frontend Accounts Offices issue (2456)
  • Thinkspain - Spanish email scraping (2453)
  • Demo issues: Relevant properties popup (2459)


  • Property becomes Featured without intention (2454)
  • Global search not working (2458)

1.0.14 (27-DEC-2021)

New Features:

  • Comm types issues (2451)
  • Merge residential property types to commercial type (2444)


  • Facebook XML country warning (2448)
  • Create Office: duplications of offices added (2437)


  • PB agency- Import Kyero feed (2434)
  • Kyero feed Gilmar for PB agency (2436)


  • Users not visible to Agency Admin (IM) (2438)

1.0.13 (20-DEC-2021)

New Features:

  • Agency settings - Add a new Map web options (2374)


  • UP agency - Thumbnails links not working (2423)
  • Issue with shortcodes (2413)
  • Missing shortcodes for residential and commercial properties (2414)
  • Issue with shortcodes [rental_contracts attribute=rented_from] and [rental_contracts attribute=rented_to] (2413)
  • Bedrooms- Bathrooms- Toilets > make them text fields (2427)
  • Commercial types - Parent type not shown at times (2426)
  • Kyero extended xml feed - Update feature names (2431)


  • Consistent error saving task (non-blocking error) (2421)
  • Financial data not saving (not showing once saved) in account (2425)
  • PB agency- Import Kyero feed adaptations (2434)

1.0.12 (13-DEC-2021)

New Features:

  • Hyperlink to property on website via reference (View Module) (2417)
  • Pagination - go to top of page (2411)


  • ZP WC template 36 updates (2381)


  • Save task in calendar slow due to increase of history items being saved (2422)

1.0.11 (6-DEC-2021)

New Features:

  • New nodes in CBRAI feed (2307)


  • Base20 website - Issue with properties belonging to a new construction project (2364)
  • ZP WC template 36 updates (2381)
  • Further issues with moorings (2372)
  • Dezabonare word in RO in GDPR text - Add hyperlink (2410)
  • Issues with sequences (2393)
  • GDPR Unsubscribe - Add in Romanian (2389)


  • Imported property - Type 1 impacting Features (2408)
  • Security breach - Agent roles accessing contact info (2416)
  • Properties set to archived in UP (2383)

1.0.10 (29-NOV-2021)

New Features:

  • Account and owner statuses translation not shown (2404)
  • GDPR text not added in emails sent from owners screen (2387)
  • Commercial properties shortcode for rent title and description (2347)


  • Email notification not sent anymore when new account assigned to a user (2399)
  • Send WC by email not working (2276)
  • Crons Mail server (264)
  • Cron job issue not adding GDPR text in email alert (2379)
  • Commercial interested properties fail (2368)
  • Send WC by email not working (2276)
  • Errors and long response times email account TL (2373)


  • AP agency - Cannot search account by phone number (2398)
  • RO auto-agency & user creation - follow-up items (2396)
  • RO agency creation on LIVE (2402)
  • Agency deletion (2401)
  • RO language add Fix (Duplication Key Error while adding)

1.0.9 (22-NOV-2021)

New Features:

  • MLS properties should not to be shared (2291)
  • Facebook properties export issues New Export Format (2331)
  • New API specifications for Idealista portal (2216)
  • Auto-creation Agency + User Romania (2316)


  • Hide email alert switch (2362)
  • Query speed properties MYT (2195)


  • Sending issue error (gmail etc) (2384)
  • Mail Server Optimization (2390)
  • MLS SLOW Issue (2377)

1.0.8 (15-NOV-2021)

New Features:

  • Auto-creation Agency + User Romania (2316)


  • Fixes for duplication popup showing without proper cause (2334)
  • Accounts DELETION and INACTIVATION issue (2371)


  • API issue for Apollons website (2367)
  • CRM ticket ZP-7492 - wrong LT rental monthly payments (2363)

1.0.7 (08-NOV-2021)

New Features:

  • Province API for FrontEnd Sites updated to allow all country provinces
  • Show popup before duplicating the property (2334)
  • Email alert - Unsubscribe logic (2304)


  • Account source must not be updated every time there is a new enquiry from portals (2354)
  • Type 2 selection fails (2366)
  • Ticket statuses not translated (2348)
  • User performance report - review (2258)
  • Review all existing Crons to Filter Extra ones (2314)


  • CMS - when i update post type name no more content shown (2357)
  • Email alert question (2359)
  • Cannot create offers (2355)
  • Kyero Import Support Ticket
  • ImmoVario - 1 of 2 formats not scraping (2361)

1.0.6 (01-NOV-2021)

New Features:

  • Kyero feed - New feature nodes to map (2312)


  • ZP - Full payment missing in booking payment popup (2340)
  • Email alert - Send only properties with status Available + Under offer (2345)
  • Remove Archived Companies in Property Search 'Agency' field (2303)
  • Mooring search by reference not working (2341)
  • Few more issues with moorings csv import (2337)


  • UP website - MLS leads have no property of interest (2346)
  • Copy code from zariko website (2351)
  • IC website - Leads from website when account already exists in CRM (2353)
  • ZP CMS Settings Issue (2358)
  • Kyero enquiries - issue with property references (2356)
  • Invoice generation 502 error (2339)

1.0.5 (25-OCT-2021)

New Features:

  • Create shortcode for assigned to agent user ID (2308)
  • Download WC set up as landscape by default (2311)
  • Boats - List and grid view (1942)
  • Recurring invoicing (2338)


  • Gmail email synch in CRM - Attachments not included in email sent from CRM (2320)
  • Logout after rental tabs (new UI) (2343)
  • Payment of < 1€ on invoice not possible (2294)
  • Rental Properties UI Optimization (2332)


  • CBW-7477 change import xml (2344)
  • Invoice generation 502 error (2339)
  • Estimation: time to map new nodes in CBRAI feed (2307)

1.0.4 (18-OCT-2021)

New Features:

  • New portal - incoming email scraping (OfferPal) (2310)
  • Add shortcodes for commercial properties in PDF templates (2336)
  • Static WC updates (2174)


  • Send WC by email not working (2276)
  • Thumbnails links in IE giving error (because EN and NL slugs are different) (2295)
  • IE WC issues (2290)
  • Issues with shortcodes for commercial properties (2281)
  • Booking overview updates (2125)
  • Properties on Map (2278)
  • Login page build optimization (2329)
  • Rental Properties UI Optimization (2332)


  • Missing data (SP-7471)
  • Remove customer keys in site (2328)
  • Property update Access Changed
  • User can update property belong to its Agency as well as its feed_system props
  • Invoice no longer showing LOGO (2322)

1.0.3 (11-OCT-2021)

New Features:

  • Upgrade Node version for Angular (2321)
  • Thumbnails links for commercial properties (2280)
  • Properties on Map (2278)
  • Booking overview updates (2125)


  • Mooring csv import not working (2214)
  • Thumbnails links three - NL rental description not shown (2315)
  • PGeolocation API error (2318)
  • Accounts - account holder (financials tab) (2268)
  • Static WC updates (2174)


  • ZP - Bookings of ref. R99 keep spinning (2323)
  • Change Properties query filter parking and pool to have AND instead of OR (2324)

1.0.2 (01-OCT-2021)

New Features:

  • Create API for map search for IC (2277)
  • Kyero feed - Add video node (2301)
  • Thumbnails images for new WC templates (2302)
  • Exporter - Property counter and filters update (2297)


  • Owner's dropdown Fixes for Creating Tour (2265)
  • Build Optimization - Master Data Module (2296)

1.0.1 (27-SEP-2021)

New Features:

  • Dev Build optimization - Fuse SCSS import issue (2289)


  • Email alert not working on property update Fixed (2272)